How much does executive coaching cost? 2023 Prices Update

How much does executive coaching cost? 2023 Prices Update

If you’re an executive looking to hire a coach, you probably first need to know: how much does executive coaching cost?

Here’s an update for 2023…

Are you a coach looking to get your first or next client? Then you might check out this post.

How much does executive coaching cost?

The cost of executive coaching can vary significantly based on several factors. For example:

  • Years of experience: including both coaching experience and/or prior experience in your field. In many cases, new coaches charge less than experienced professional coaches.
  • Reputation: since coaching is usually a significant investment for a small business, reputation is one of the important factors for pricing
  • Coaching packages: Some coaches charge an hourly rate for coaching sessions. However, most offer packages, and a variety of factors influence what package feels right for the client. Some create packages with a set term, and some may offer retainer agreements.

Best Practices for Packages

When finding the right coach for you, consider what package and what inclusions works best for you and your business. The amount of support impacts the coaching fees.

Looking on details for creating a 3-month coaching package? Check out this post.

Packages can include or be impacted by…

  • The duration of the coaching engagement: generally speaking, longer engagements may charge less per session, since you’re buying more volume. I personally love working with clients long time. Working with one person for a while is a great way to work towards reaching your full potential. (Because like a great coach knows, big transformation doesn’t happen overnight.)
  • The format of the coaching: Does your coach meet via phone call? Zoom session? In person? Make sure the format of the call feels aligned for you.
  • Ongoing support: Is there support between calls via email or other messenger apps? Is there support after the initial coaching engagement?
  • Team support: Do you need the coach to also meet with your direct reports, middle managers, or others on your team? This option especially supports large organizations and startups.
  • Individual coaching versus group coaching: Group coaching makes some coaching packages more accessible, lowering the average price. When the coach serves more than one client at the same time, they create leverage for their time.
  • Implementation and management support: If you need help actually getting things done, you may consider an integrator or fractional management role. Read more about that here.

Typical Rates for Executive Coaching

So, how much does executive coaching cost?

Typically, executive coaching rates can range from approximately $200 to $500 per hour.

Sometimes more for highly experienced or specialized coaches. Some coaches charge a flat fee for a coaching package that includes a set number of sessions. And some charge a flat fee for a particular program.

Executive coaching engagements range from a few sessions to longer-term arrangements that last several months or even a year. The length of the engagement depends on the objectives and requirements of the executive and the organization. The length also depends on the assets available for the client in terms of team, financial resources, and ability to implement.

Make sure you research and interview potential coaches (more on that below). Checkout their websites, social, and any other info you can find. Understand their approach, experience, and the structure of their services for determining the best fit. Many coaches offer a free consultations where you discuss goals and needs. This allows both parties time for assessing the potential for a successful coaching relationship.

Also, within a company, some organizations might have in-house coaches or programs that cater to executive development as part of their professional development initiatives, reducing costs compared to hiring external coaches.

Always consider that while cost is an important factor, the most critical consideration should be the coach’s expertise, fit with the coachee, and the potential outcomes of the coaching engagement.

​What are the different types of executive coaching?

Leadership coaching: Leadership coaching focuses on helping executives specifically in their role as leaders.

Life coaches: Life coaching focuses ore on personal development and transformation, which often directly impacts businesses.

Career coaches: Career coaching helps executives gain clarity in their career path, career goals, and the path to get there.

Business coaches: Business coaching helps business owners get support around scaling their business.

Creative coaches: Creative coaching is a specific segment of personal development coaching, and can help with problem solving and learning to tap into your intuition. Read about creative coaching. 

What else goes into pricing an executive coaching package?

Several other factors contribute to the pricing of an executive coaching package:

Complexity and Scope of Coaching:

The depth of the coaching required, such as addressing complex leadership challenges, team dynamics, or organizational change, might influence pricing. Personalized coaching programs designed to meet specific needs or challenges of an executive will often have higher costs compared to standard or general coaching programs.

Value and Return on Investment:

Coaches who can demonstrate a significant impact on an executive’s performance, leading to tangible business outcomes, might justify higher costs due to the perceived value they provide.

Overheads and Administrative Costs:

Some coaches might have overhead costs associated with running their practice, which can influence their pricing. Coaches offering supplementary resources, assessments, or tools as part of their coaching package might charge more for these additional materials or services.

Market Demand:

In regions or industries where there’s a high demand for executive coaching, prices might be relatively higher.

Guarantees or Specialized Services:

Some coaches offer guarantees or specialized services (such as crisis management, specific industry expertise, etc.) that may justify higher pricing.

When determining the pricing for an executive coaching package, coaches often take a holistic view, considering these factors and tailor their pricing based on the value they bring to the client, the specific needs of the individual or organization, and the level of expertise they offer. The goal is to find a balance that reflects the value of the service being provided while being fair and competitive within the market.

What are some trends in regards to executive coaching over the years?

Several trends have emerged in the field of executive coaching over recent years:

  1. Focus on Leadership Development: There’s a growing emphasis on developing leaders at all levels within an organization, not just top executives. Coaching is being utilized as a tool to enhance leadership skills throughout the hierarchy.
  2. Emphasis on Emotional Intelligence and Soft Skills: Executive coaching has increasingly focused on developing emotional intelligence, communication, empathy, and other soft skills that are essential for effective leadership and team management.
  3. Technology Integration: Technology is playing a more significant role in coaching, with the integration of virtual coaching platforms, apps, and tools that facilitate coaching interactions and provide additional resources for executives.
  4. Wellness and Work-Life Balance: Coaching is increasingly addressing holistic well-being, stress management, and work-life balance to help executives navigate the complexities of their roles while maintaining personal health and fulfillment.
  5. Data-Driven Coaching: Coaches are using more data and assessments to track progress and measure the impact of coaching interventions, providing a more evidence-based approach to coaching outcomes.
  6. Integration of Behavioral Science and Psychology: Coaches are drawing more from behavioral science and psychological principles to help executives understand their behaviors, motivations, and decision-making processes.
  7. Sustainability and Social Responsibility: Coaching is increasingly addressing sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical leadership, as organizations prioritize these values in their operations.


These trends reflect the evolving nature of executive coaching, adapting to the changing needs of both organizations and individuals in a dynamic business landscape. They highlight the expanding role of coaching beyond traditional skill development to encompass a broader range of personal, interpersonal, and societal factors that impact leadership effectiveness.

What are trends in terms of executive coaching?

While predicting future trends is always speculative, there are several potential directions in which executive coaching might evolve in the coming years:

  1. Digital Transformation: The use of technology in coaching is likely to expand further, with the integration of AI-driven tools for assessment, personalized feedback, and virtual coaching sessions. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) might also be incorporated for simulated coaching experiences.
  2. Focus on Mental Health and Well-being: There could be an increased emphasis on the mental health and overall well-being of executives. Coaches may integrate practices and techniques from psychology and mindfulness to help leaders manage stress, build resilience, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  3. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): As organizations continue to prioritize diversity and inclusion, executive coaches may need to specialize in helping leaders navigate these issues. Coaches might assist executives in understanding unconscious biases, fostering inclusive cultures, and creating strategies for diverse team management.
  4. Adaptive Leadership Development: The changing business landscape requires leaders to be agile and adaptive. Coaches might focus on developing skills that enable leaders to navigate uncertainty, foster innovation, and lead through rapid change.
  5. Sustainability and Social Responsibility: There might be an increasing focus on coaching leaders to integrate sustainability and corporate social responsibility into their business strategies, aligning with societal and environmental goals.
  6. Ethical Leadership: Given recent high-profile ethical lapses, executive coaches may emphasize ethical decision-making, integrity, and social responsibility in leadership development.


These potential trends in executive coaching reflect the evolving demands of the corporate landscape, the integration of technology, and the growing awareness of the holistic needs of leaders in the modern workplace.

How do you choose an executive coach?

Selecting an executive coach is a critical decision that can significantly impact an executive’s development and the organization’s success. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help choose the right executive coach:

Identify Goals and Needs:

Clarify the specific goals and objectives you or the executive seeking coaching aims to achieve. This might include leadership development, skill enhancement, managing change, or addressing specific challenges.


Seek recommendations from trusted sources, such as colleagues, mentors, or HR departments. Research online platforms, coaching directories, or professional associations to find a pool of potential coaches.

Look for coaches with relevant experience, certifications, and a successful track record in executive coaching. Check for credentials from reputable coaching organizations (ICF, EMCC, etc.) to ensure a minimum standard of quality.


Ensure the coach’s expertise aligns with your needs. Some coaches specialize in certain industries, leadership challenges, or specific areas of expertise, so finding a coach whose expertise matches your requirements is crucial.

Understand the coach’s approach and methodology. Some coaches may follow specific frameworks or models. Assess if their approach resonates with your values, preferences, and learning style.


Many coaches offer a complimentary consultation. Use this opportunity to discuss your goals, ask questions about their coaching approach, and assess the chemistry or rapport. Ensure you feel comfortable and have a good connection with the coach.

Ask for references or testimonials from past clients. Insights from others who have worked with the coach can provide valuable perspectives on their effectiveness and style.

Clear Expectations:

Clarify the coaching engagement details, including the duration, frequency of sessions, cost, confidentiality, and the expected outcomes. Ensure there is a clear agreement outlining these aspects before commencing the coaching.

Some coaches use assessments or additional resources to support their coaching. Evaluate if these tools align with your goals and if they add value to the coaching process.

Throughout the coaching engagement, continually assess the progress and impact. Ensure the coach is addressing the agreed-upon objectives and making a positive difference in the executive’s development.

Remember, the most important aspect is the fit between the coach and the executive. It’s crucial to find a coach with whom the executive can build a strong, trusting relationship, fostering an environment conducive to growth and learning.


So, there you have it, folks! Executive coaching costs can vary like a box of assorted chocolates—different flavors, sizes, and price tags. As of 2023, the rates generally range from around $200 to $500 per hour, but it really depends on various factors. Remember, finding the right coach is like finding the perfect dance partner—gotta have the right moves and sync up well. So, whether you’re shelling out cash or a little more for top-notch coaching, the key is to boogie down the path that suits you best. Happy coaching!

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