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Meet Alison

The first time I remember worrying about money, I was about seven years old. 

We moved from one neighborhood in Houston to another, and I must have been able to sense my parents’ stress, because I was worried enough to ask my mom, “How much did it cost to move?”

She answered a number that felt astronomical.


I wondered how we could afford it, and I thought, What would we do if we couldn’t pay for it? How close were we to complete financial ruin? What would it be like to be homeless?

Keep in mind, we were a perfectly middle-class family. 

So where did my money anxiety come from?

I’m sure it came from multiple sources. 

My parents, messages from the media and the world, something I overheard someone say, etc. 

But why did my parents have money anxiety if we had everything we needed?

This is one of the first signs of something I wouldn’t put my own words to until 2022:

If you're worried about money when you don't have it, but still worried about money when you do, then it was never about the money.

World Class Marketer

Blogging since 2011, and business coaching since 2017, I help companies scale their income by combining strategic business consulting with mindset restoration. 

Before becoming a full time consultant, I managed teams for several multi-million dollar companies, and have since helped people worldwide grow their visibility and their income through consulting, courses and free offerings.

My business is to help people make more money, but my mission is to help people love their lives.

I’ve had consecutive multiple 6-figure years, with as high as a $60k sales month, and have a wide range of marketing experience with both solo-preneurs and in a corporate setting. 

In 2019, I sold a self care blog that started as a hobby for an amount that exceeded a former full time income.

I have tons of marketing certifications (SEO, digital marketing, email marketing, funnels, PPC, customer journey, and more), as well as certifications in certificates in somatic healing, art therapy, meditation, law of attraction, abundance mindset and sound healing.

Super powers: Marketing, mindset, websites, funnels, sales, trauma informed manifesting and law of attraction, wealth wounds, and helping poeple find aligned action.

There are 4 steps to creating a business AND life you love.

…And 3 of them are invisible 😬

Traditional online business says: platform, product, visibility, sales.

But the steps I found even more critical are: mindset, leverage, resilience, receiving.

In the first model, the “how” and “what” are the entire model. In the second, they’re only the ONE step.

This is because – and I’ve seen it over and over again – what you’re selling and how you’re selling it only works if:

1️⃣ you believe it will work 2️⃣ you feel you are worthy of it 3️⃣ you can relax while receiving it.

And the beauty of the second model is how SUPPORTED you will feel when you lean into it. In the first model, you are responsible for every action, every dollar, every method. In the second, you leave room for magic.

But even more than that: you’ll get to actually LOVE your business and your life again.

This is my reality, and it gets to be yours.

Here are some examples:

Ashton went from $4k ish months working a ton, to consistent $7k and above – WHILE deciding to limit client meetings and stop work before 4pm every day.

Lindsey feels excited about business again, and after a stressful moment when a client left recently, she manifested 3 more in place. She went from inconsistent mid-four-figure sales months to over $13k consistent months.  

Shannon went from as high as a $9k month to becoming a six figure blogger in three months. Then she found support in my mastermind, and now has consistent multiple 5-figure months while getting to choose if and when she works in her business.

The practical steps matter. What you’re selling and how you sell it matters. I can help with that.

…And helping you with it is so much more effective when we work on the areas that will also help you KEEP your success and maintain your growth.

I’m tired of seeing entrepreneurs make money but hate their lives.

You GET to have it all.

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