Client Stories

I implemented tech magic for Jenni so she can stay in her flow

Jenni is a successful spiritual entrepreneur, and was ready for systems to support her

I’ve worked with Jenni as her client since June 2022, and as a coach and creator myself, I knew how supportive more systems might feel in her business. But I also know how overwhelming tech can be for online entrepreneurs when tech isn’t their thing. 

I created systems for Jenni so she could more effectively sell and deliver both coaching and leveraged offers like courses and workshops. Now she can sell more offers, more often, and stack her income more easily. 

Celsey went from working 80 hours a week to 30

She has one epically successful business, and is working on growing a second, while regaining enjoyment.

Celsey came to me as a successful but massively overworked business owner, and primarily wanted to work on making her second business profitable. 

She’s steadily increasing the income of the second business every month, but more importantly (in my opinion) she took control of her life again by removing herself more from the first business, and hiring the right people. 

Cait is Increasing Her Income By Creating New ALIGNED Offers

Cait is learning to make more money by doing what she WANTS, and making decisions faster.

Cait has had tremendous success scaling a membership and was at 6-figures when we met, but something was missing. 

Fast forward, and she’s figured out her new passion and income stream, and sold her previous business.

Lindsey is Scaling By Simplifying Her Offers And Owning Her Worth

She went from selling "all the things" to creating spaciousness and learning how to relax more easily.

Lindsey came to me as a brilliant creator who had bought other programs, but still wasn’t making the income she wanted.

Fast forward, and she’s narrowed down her niche, increased her take home pay EXPONENTIALLY, consistently doing $8k-$13k+, and is stacking her income.

Ashton Quit Her Job And Had Her First $11k+ Month

Ashton ditched a W-2 so she could work less, make more, and stack her income

Ashton came to me stuck at a W2 job where she was overworked and underpaid. 

Fast forward, and she now works for herself, gets off work at 2pm everyday for her kids, and just had her first month over $11k.

Matt Raised His Health Coaching Pricing From $300 to $5,000+

Matt has some amazing opportunities to speak on stages, but was undercharging for his 1:1 coaching and didn’t know how to bring his clients or business online, or how to make a passive income.

Together, we were able to raise his pricing, where he experienced no objections! And he now has an email list with hundreds of people that grows every month – where he can sell his new, passive online membership.

Grianne And Frank Increased Their Passive Sales from Their Blog

This dynamic duo is super successful monetizing high traffic blogs with ad revenue, but they wanted more – by way of making money with their own digital products. They’d previously worked with another coach, but didn’t make much headway as far as improving sales or figuring out why some funnels didn’t work for them at all.

Together over 3 months, we audited over 10 funnels that grow their email list and tripwire sales, and made sure the conversions were improved to prepare for their upcoming busy season.

Ketsia Helps Women Unlearn Dysfunctional Relationship Patters

She went from struggling, to selling coaching ease-fully.

Here’s what Ketsia had to say about her experience in MAP:

I joined MAP earlier this year and it’s one of the top 3 decisions I made this year. I was drawn to Alison’s message because she emphasized that you don’t have to wait months or years to start making money as a blogger.

As someone who has blogged since 2015 without ever making more than $500 from it, that was mind-blowing.
In MAP, Alison’s modules showed me how to create an offer based on my avatar/ideal client and use the audience I already have to sell. But the most important module for me was the very first module on mindset.
I realized that all these years, I never truly had confidence in my message and my abilities. I didn’t truly believe that I could earn a living from what I do.
The morning mindset routine really breathed life into my soul (I know this sounds corny but that’s what it felt like) and cleared out my doubts and limiting beliefs.
The other aspect of the program that I really appreciated was the support in the Facebook group. This year my mother struggled a lot with her health and I was constantly taking her to the ER, doctor’s visits, and tests. 
It was discouraging and overwhelming, and sometimes, I felt like giving up. I would post how I was feeling in the group and there was ALWAYS such amazing feedback. People reached out to me privately and Alison and Madi always made sure to cheer me on and remind me that my content is great.
Unfortunately…when I finally launched, I got crickets. BUT a couple of weeks later, someone from my emailing list reached out to me to ask me for coaching services. 

I was FLOORED. All this time, I thought my revenue would come from a group course or program. It had never occurred to me that people would want me to coach them one-on-one. 
I’m excited about the new direction I am taking!
Since then, I’ve been getting more people inquiring about my services and book 2 clients.
In MAP, I also created a lead magnet that is drawing new subscribers consistently, which I did not have before.
I’m super grateful to Alison and her team for making 2021 one of the best years in my life.
Ketsia Gustave

Laurel Monetized Her Ministry So She Could Serve More

She went from broke to charging what she was worth, and clients didn't bat an eye.

Laurel is in ministry, but she also has a unique business that helps Christian non-profits stabilize their income without relying on labor-intensive fundraisers. 

She’d written a book, and got people results – but the problem was she didn’t know how to package her service into something she could sell. Now, she knows how to get sales AND charges what she’s worth so she can not only support her family and her own ministry, but also serve people more powerfully. 

Jenni Monetized Her Fitness Passion

She went from serving hundreds of women for free to making money with her passion project.

Jenni created a community of many thousands of people that she’s just been serving for free for a million years. 

Even though she was happy to do it for free, and loved serving all those people and getting results, she really wanted learn how to make money from her fitness blog, so she could serve her family in a different way.

Read or listen to her story here.

jennie larson alvies hiit mamas

Christine Sold Workshops For Her Food Blog

She introduced her own offer so she could stack her income with ads.

Christine had a successful food blog, with one problem… She felt out of control of her income besides leveraging ads and affiliates and trying to increase her traffic.

She joined MAP to grow her email list, and figure out to sell – then actually SELL it, so she could stack her income and feel more control over how she could scale.

Beth Started Selling Courses and Coaching for the First Time

Beth is a blogger and expert for Magickal Rituals for Intentional Living, at Beth has been blogging for quite some time with great content and such an interesting niche, but was struggling to increase her blog traffic.

Over the last few months she has had some major wins! Keep watching to find out: the shift Beth made to grow her blog’s traffic. how she learned to really tune into her audience’s needs, and how listening helped increase her sales!

Andrea used her blog to launch a membership and Earn Passive Income

How Andrea Used Her Blog To Launch Her Membership
Andrea is a long-time blogger and social media strategist.

And while she knew what she was doing – like many of my clients – she struggled to connect the dots between her blog AND a meaningful income.
Watch her story and learn what shifts she made to leverage her blog to launch her successful membership!

10 Sales In Her Sleep and Jumped to 20,000 monthly sessions in 30 days

Shauna bought my Pinterest workshop, and we also did some coaching together.

She had a great blog, but due to life things that happened, struggled with consistency…

…And, like most bloggers, actually making money. 

Using my strategy and following my tips, she not only skyrocketed her traffic

BUT also but launched an offer with ease AND qualified for Mediavine. 

$500 months to over $2,000

Not including Mediavine which She qualified for

Kate had an amazing following and decent traffic, but was struggling to make meaningful income from her decorating blog. 

Kate had a major mindset shift while working in the Monetization Accelerator Program that led to a slight pivot, massive traffic increase, and way more sales for her decorating design offer.

$100,000 in Sales in 4 months With No Previous Audience or List

John is a friend and client who developed a product for cooling your pool called a Lily Chiller. 

He needed help with marketing and messaging and…kind of blew it out of the water (no pun intended). He made over $100,000 launching his offer over the summer, and has plans to expand into stores and other countries.

He also plans to coach other entrepreneurs to repeat his success.

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$7,600 in Her First 30 days, and quit Her Job

Samantha had some previous entrepreneur success and direct sales experience, but was anxious to leave her demanding job where she was never home – to spend more time at home while making more money. 

She had HUGE initial success.

But what makes her story even MORE interesting is the slump she experienced and how she recovered from a “success hangover”. 

During our work together, she was able to continue her consistency, master her mindset, and end up with her first $10,000 week. 

From $0 to $2,000 in Coaching Client sales in 6 weeks

Awilla came to me to run some Facebook ads and grow her traffic with Pinterest. We did that – but we did WAY more. 

She launched her keto coaching program for moms, and she quickly signed up her first 5 clients. 

She’s since gone on to increase that income to $5,000 months, and her husband is now able to stay home and home school their children. 

Increased her income 411% Month Over Month

Desiree came to the Monetization Accelerator Program and as she says – had a LOT of wins! But none of them had dollar signs. 

She made a few course sales in her first launch, but in her second launch, she increased her income by 411% month.

Since then, she’s also scaled her $97 course with Facebook ads to triple her monthly income consistently. 

From $3k months to $6,000 that felt "Easy"

Diana has an amazing antique blog and Etsy shop, and had been doing consistent $3,000 months, with a goal of getting to consistently over $4,000.

We worked together to sell new offers to her list in a strategic way, and she blew the roof off her $4,000 monthly goal. 

Additionally, we created better systems and automation so she could grow and scale more easily.

diana petrillo

From $100 Weeks to $6,000 Months

LaCresha came to me with a ton of hard work and success already under her belt. 

She had a profitable tripwire that was earning her passive income everyday, so as soon as we started working together we started slowly dialing up the ad budget. 

She also launched her first profitable product after many failed attempts before working with me, and incorporated that as an upsell in her passive funnel.

lacresha sims

Attaliah Replaced Her Full Time Nursing Job

Attaliah had a growing Instagram audience, and has made money “here and there” offering various things – but nothing was sticking and she didn’t feel confident about how everything worked together. 

She joined MAP, learned how to listen to her audience, and replaced her nursing income in just a couple months.


  • Growing audience, but not sure what to sell
  •  Had some ideas, but didn’t know how to put everything together into a sellable offer
  • Loved her nursing job, but was moving to Germany and needed a new income generator ASAP


  • Launched a profitable beta, and got clients results
  • Using her own strategies, exploded her Instagram account even more, and contextualized her content to build an audience of buyers
  • Replaced her nursing income, and is empowered to continue to grow her income on her own

Millions of viewers, Rapidly Grows Email List For Free

Ashley successfully launched her membership under the support of an amazing coach in 2020. Problem was? She didn’t know what to do next to continue to grow her audience. 

Now, Ashley’s content gets viewed by millions, her membership and income grow as her audience grows, and she feels excited and optimistic.


  • Successful membership to parents who want to learn how to teach their kids to read, but no idea how to grow it
  • Got amazing results for clients, and had no idea how to reach more people
  • Had a finished website and sales page, but no eyeballs on it besides her personal network


  • Tripled the size of her email list for free
  • Learned a process for selling more of the membership, AND selling other offers
  • Consistently gets traffic from Pinterest to grow her email list, and had a viral pin skyrocket her to over 1 million monthly impressions

From $0 to $14,000 in 4 weeks

Rachel came to me because she had a ton of corporate experience in marketing and product development, but she was ready to go off on her own so she could stay home full time. 

She launched her offer, the Bulletproof Business, and quickly helped clients see results. She made $14k her first month. 

Finally gained clarity (And Now Makes Money)

Chrissie had been making a couple hundred dollars a month with her blog, with a decent amount above that running Facebook ads for people. But she’d always felt STUCK knowing what to sell with her own blog.

Joining M.A.P. and being held accountable for taking action and following through FINALLY gave her the clarity she was looking for, for years. 

From $200 monthly maximum to her first $1,100 month

Kim is an experienced blogger who makes printables other bloggers and creators can commercially license and sell on their platforms.

She was struggling to build an audience and increase sales, but she KNEW she needed out of the 60-hour workweek forever so she could be home with her newborn. She made some massive mindset shifts, did a ton of market research, re-launched her offer, and had her first month over $1,000. 

From $0 to Becoming a Paid Fashion Consultant

Dawn is an experienced marketing and sales professional who wanted to make money doing something that was meaningful and fun. She made some progress on her blog before MAP, but didn’t know what to do after writing content and going live with the blog to actually start making money.


  • Barely completed the blog after buying several courses, and wasn’t sure what to do next
  • Kept getting stuck on small technical issues and felt frustrated
  • Knew her blog was meaningful and would help people, but didn’t know how to reach them


  • Made money with multiple fashion consulting clients
  • Has as much traffic in February 2021 as she did for the entire last 6 months of 2021
  • Earns passive income from affiliates
  • Knows exactly what to do to continue to grow her income over and over again

Shannon Became a 6-figure Blogger in 3 Months

Shannon had gone viral on TikTok once before and had a $9,000 month. So, she knew she had massive potential but wasn’t sure on how to capitalize on it. 

Working together, we clarified her passion, personality, chose a product and she took fast action that led to a second viral video, a $7,000 day, and became a 6-figure blogger in 3 months after 5 years of blogging.


  • Had massive success, but no idea how to repeat it
  • Spinning her wheels on one-million social media platforms, and not sure how to optimize her effort
  • Had an email list of 70,000 people, but no idea how to make money with it


  • Decided on an offer to sell that was massively aligned with her actual interest
  • Implemented a super simple sales strategy to test the idea, which went viral
  • Quickly made the product evergreen and worked with me to scale it to consistently profitable days, 100% passively 

Hannah had her first $1,000 month

Had a great blog - but no idea what to sell.

Hannah learned how to make money as a food blogger – and hit her first $1000 month!

Hannah Stewart is a food blogger at My Family Dinner.

Hannah was a successful blogger who had some wins before I met her – but not a lot of dollar signs to show for it.


  • Low traffic, no community
  • Lots of great blog posts, but no idea what to sell
  • People seemed excited about what she was doing, but she didn’t know how to translate that into a business


  • Launched her first successful service on the food blog
  • Developed a separate service based offer that she sold organically, and had her first $1,000 month
  • Generated monthly, long-term recurring income so she could relax when baby was born
How Hannah learned how to make money as a food blogger.


Kate, Colorful & modern decor 
  • Before: 15k monthly page vows, but made less than $500 monthly
  • After: doubled income 2 months in a row. Qualified for Mediavine
Shauna, Minimalism & decluttering
  • Before: no traffic, no income
  • After: Gained as many subs in 2 months as she did previous 2 years. Qualified for mediavine. Sold printables
Dawn, Mid-size fashion
  • Before: no traffic, no income
  • After: Launched fashion consulting, made money with affiliates, got more traffic in one month than she’d gotten in previous 6

Rebecca, Dogs & rescue

  • Before: no traffic, no community
  • After: Had a post go viral and got 4,000 page views in one day. Increased sponsorships and engagement on Facebook

Desiree, Catholicism & spirituality

  • Before: 10k monthly page views, less than $100 monthly
  • After: Tripled her income from one launch to the next,  and increased her income 411% month over month. Averages $2k monthly

Diana, Antiquing

  • Before: 100k monthly page views, making money felt really hard
  • After: Had her best month ever. Went from $4k months to over $6,000

Alexis, Parenting & recovery

  • Before: very little traffic, no email list
  • After: Grew traffic over 200% in 30 days, launched a Facebook group

Felicia, Grief

  • Before: Lots of ideas, didn’t know where to start
  • After: Made more progress in 4 weeks than the previous two years. Launched website and blog, built email list

Merilee, Budget

  • Before: Large Instagram audience, not much income to show for it
  • After: Created and sold her first course, made $7500 first time selling it

Mary, Mental health

  • Before: Lots of ideas. Kept starting and stopping. Quit many times.
  • After: Finally had a finished website, blog, blog posts. First time ever she didn’t quit

Stacy, Food & travel

  • Before: only income was from time consuming sponsorships from Instagram
  • After: Created and sold her first course

Attaliah, Instagram & lifestyle

  • Before: Growing audience on Instagram, no idea how to make money from it
  • After: Created and sold multiple courses, replaced her nursing income, and also added her first source of passive income and made her first passive $200 

Michelle, Self care for teachers

  • Before: Had purchased other expensive programs, and felt discouraged that her ideas weren’t supported
  • After: Finally got the support and encouragement she needed. Created and sold her first course

Joanna, Self love & EFT

  • Before: Successful site in Swedish, but wanted to sell in English
  • After: Started a new blog. Made $900 in her Black Friday sale

Beth, Witchcraft & self care

  • Before: No traffic, no income
  • After: Grew list by hundreds every month. Created and sold course, and added coaching clients 

Madi, Pinterest & lifestyle

  • Before: Beautiful Pinterest account with success getting traffic, but no income to show for it
  • After: Finally started making money from Pinterest, got sales for her course before she even announced it

Dave, Finance

  • Before: Low traffic, less than $100 monthly of income after buying other expensive courses
  • After: Went from making almost $0 with affiliates and ads, to creating and selling high ticket services and consulting

Hannah, Freezer meals

  • Before: Low traffic, no income
  • After: Sold courses for the first time, and created a high ticket service based offer. Launched a group that grew quickly by hundreds

Jena, Core recovery for moms

  • Before: Had a large audience and a well-known YouTube review and book, but less than $500 monthly income
  • After: Sold her first $750 digital client, and continued to get more digital clients in addition to more course sales. Added partnerships and sponsorships

Kori, Farmhouse decor

  • Before: Got lots of sponsorships and deals, but wanted ways to earn money that were less time-consuming
  • After: Went from $2500 months to over $6000 by creating and selling her own design consulting 

Susan, Suzuki method (musical babies)

  • Before: terrified of tech, but knew she needed to move her business online 
  • After: Finished her blog, creates content consistently, is onboarding digital clients, and feels confident

Laura, Farmhouse decor

  • Before: Had a blog, but not sure how to make money from it
  • After: Started getting design clients before she even announced her offer

Christine, Gluten free food

  • Before: food blogger with large traffic, knew she could make more but didn’t know how
  • After: Created and sold her own course for the first time. Still in progress but made $870 the first 2 days

Two Clients Watched an intro mindset lesson and started manifesting money the same week

Pivoted During COVID and exploded traffic growth

samanatha jaras productivity marketing coach

First Buyer On First Launch Was A Annual Pay In full for a monthly membership

Took My Advice – Sold 14 Memberships In 24 Hours

Madi pre-sold her Pinterest coaching program before even launching

Mindful Marketing Mavens is lit

Bekah used my coaching to help her sell more artisan products

Laurie had 2 profitable launches while in M.A.P.

After trial and error, Beth had her first profitable launch. She went from getting 1 new subscriber per day to getting 300+ per month

Elle used my advice to stay relevant and increase sales during covid

Hamna’s social posts consistently go viral

Melissa launched her blog in 5 weeks, and now makes $1900 per month, on top of a full time job, as a virtual assistant

Desiree increased her income 411% month over month and made 6x in her second launch what she did in her first. 

Stacy launched a beta program and had 10 people sign up in just a few days

I began using Alison’s Pinterest strategy in early December. 

By the end of the month I had nearly doubled my monthly sessions, which allowed me to apply to Mediavine.
Between ad revenue and Amazon sales, I also boosted my income by over $200 for the month.
I also grew my Pinterest monthly impressions from around 800k to 1.5 million.
I thought I could figure it out on my own using Tailwind scheduling, but her detailed walk-through of her manual pinning strategy is what made the difference.” Arlin K.

Alexis increased her traffic
220% in 30 days.

Carol doubled her email list in a weekend by clairfying her niche and replacing her opt-in.

Kate qualified for Mediavine in 30 days after pivoting.

I helped Kathryn finally connect all the dots

used mindset training to procure multiple large speaking opportunities

I helped REI Network, L.P. double their business in a year by utilizing Facebook and going nationwide.

I helped Big State Home Buyers get to over 200 deals per year by leveraging a blog to build traffic, trust & authority.

I helped Mike save $600 per month on our first call by simplifying his tech stack.

I took Alison’s Pinterest Workshop on the recommendation of some people on a Blogging Facebook group I belong to. I’ve been a Pinterest user for years, but had no idea how to use it to promote my blog.

After taking the workshop, I created a business Pinterest page and went from 0 monthly viewers to over 31K views in just a few short weeks.

What I love about the class is that you get to watch video instructions of exactly what you need to be doing to get your Pins viewed, saved and clicked on. I’d highly recommend the workshop.

Margaret Kukuc |

KaRonna increased her traffic by 14,000% in 90 days.

Jace regularly gets 100+ comments on her Facebook engagement posts.

Tayler dreamed of launching a blog for 2 years. We launched it together in 5 weeks. 

Mavens, I’m sure you all know how awesome Alison is, that’s why you’re here! But last night I had a 90min intensive with Alison and I’m proper super excited about implementing everything she taught me!

For the first time in forever I feel like I have a genuine strategy in place that is going to help grow my traffic, blog and biz! Alison taught me so much in such a short space of time!
We covered Pinterest, how to write storytelling posts, creating revenue outside of clients, what to send your email list and then a Q&A where I fired a million questions at Alison 🤪 Seriously, this girl knows her stuff, I feel so grateful I got the chance to work with her and I’m excited about the next month! Ill keep you all posted!! xx
Samantha Darby,

I’m on a high right now!! 😍

Just got off the phone from my 1-on-1 intensive with Alison Reeves! So insightful and so much valuable advice and information!!

I loved how our conversation was so natural (mix in some humor with business). Haha. Can’t wait to implement all the good, custom-to-my-business strategies you gave me!! 🙌

I’m truly grateful, Alison!! Thanks for serving your people well… and I can’t wait to learn more from you!

Sarah Sung,

Before working with Alison, running ads was a daunting task that overwhelmed me. I didn’t know where to begin or even what questions to ask but Alison was so knowledgeable on the topic that she immediately eased my nerves and steered me in the right direction. 

With her guidance I was able to save time, money and restore my peace of mind.

Her strategies resulted in a successful webinar full of my ideal clients so I couldn’t be more happy. I’m looking forward to working with her again in the near future.

Sarah Gaines,

Earnings disclaimer: All the testimonials included on our websites, programs, products and/or services are real-world examples and stories of other people’s experiences with our programs, products and/or services. But they are not intended to serve as a guarantee that you will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s performance is different and your results will vary accordingly. Learn more.