Blog Content: 3 Common Mistakes

Common blog content mistakes

Blog content mistakes that we all can learn from.

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Have you ever heard “Oh, that sounds easy,” when you have told someone you’re a blogger?

Blogging would be easy if it were just writing. Having a good blog, though, means using tactics and planning your content well. 

Recently, we discussed mindset blocks bloggers often place on themselves. This week we are going to focus on the practical mistakes bloggers make. There are 3 content tactics I have put together so bloggers can create content that will bring in the most traffic.

Write Blog Content For Your Readers

Many people that visit your blog post may also leave without reading it all the way through.

You have only seconds to grab your reader’s attention, so they actually read through the entire blog post! How can you do this?

Create content that is valuable and share-worthy.

Focus your blog content on your ideal customer. Address pain points and provide solutions to problems potential customers may have.

In your content, always think about what you could potentially be selling to your customer and base your content around that sale. Knowing what you can sell to your customer, will now make it a clear picture on who your audience is and what content will appeal to them.

Have Specific Blog Topics

When you’re writing a blog post, writing on a broad topic may make it hard for potential clients to find you in an organic search. A larger, more popular blogger may already have content on the same topic. Being specific will help you gain more visibility.

Take “How To Forgive” as an example; a more specific topic could be, “How To Forgive After Someone Has Lied To You.”

Try to use keywords in your title and write an outline before writing:

  • Introduction: long-tail keyword phrase and a short story. Consider explaining why the blog is being written or why the content is something interesting to learn or teach.
  • 3-10 subheadings: this will be the substance of your content, make 2-3 jot points under each subheading
  • Call to Action: invite your readers to follow-up with an action. This can be adding an offer to their cart, checking out another post, joining your Facebook Group to keep up with future content and offers, etc.

Focus on Long-Term Benefits of Your Blog Content

Know that if your content only serves for a short-term benefit, it will not rank well overtime, as it is only temporary.

Attempt to make all your content evergreen! Having evergreen content means you can always repurpose it and post as a new post or on a different platform at later dates.

Stop thinking about daily traffic, instead, think of cumulative traffic.

Learn from Your Mistakes

Don’t feel embarrassed if you have made one or even all of these content mistakes. I have too, and so have many others – which is why I used “common” in the blog’s title. 

Now, you know what to look out for, the best tactics to use, and how to plan for your most effective blog content!

You can check out my blog post on how to create share-worthy content in 30 minutes here:


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