Visibility Online: Creating a Social Sales Coming Out Series

How to use a social media coming out series for online visibility.

How to grow your visibility online.
How to use a coming out series for online visibility.

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You're great at what you do. Let me help you make more money with it! Alison, Marketing and Business Coach & Author 

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Welcome to the updated Online Visibility Challenge 2021: Visibility Challenge remastered. This update is going to be really different from past visibility challenges. In the past, we’ve focused on organic traffic, and this time we are going to really focus on sales.

I have never done the Visibility Challenge 2.0 before – I usually reserve the info in this post for paying clients!

This post covers the structure of what I call a “coming out series.”

What is a coming out post?

You guys hear me talk about visibility all the time; I am really passionate about showing up.

I cannot tell you how many times people sign up with me a year or more after following me, just because they love how much I showed up. People find peace of mind and confidence in consistency.

So, this coming out post really changed my life in the beginning of 2019. Since then, I’ve used it to change the lives of other people as well.

Today, I’m going to go through some case studies to show how to use a coming out post. I call it a coming out post because it’s really the way you’re priming your audience for an offer. It’s almost like a mini launch, and you can use it to promote a lead magnet, a Facebook group, a paid offer, a launch, all kinds of things!

Step by step guide to using a social media coming out series for online visibility.

Why does a coming out post work for online visibility?

Let me give some examples of how to use a coming out post for online visibility.

A coming out post is used to prepare your audience for an offer that you have. Basically, you’re using this coming out series to introduce your people to the messaging of your offer, group, etc. A coming out post can be a very helpful tool with a small audience; it helps people understand what you’re selling, what you’re doing, and why you’re doing it.

I have been coaching since 2017, and I have been marketing online for my business since 2011. In 2017, I started coaching real estate agents; I was passionate about that and had a product that was really helpful for them. The way that I launched that business, though – it made me burn out.

In 2019, after I had my monetized my blog successfully, I decided I wanted to help other women who were like me – who were successful in their career, busy but struggling financially and felt like they didn’t have power over their own life and over their finances.

That was a problem I really wanted to solve!

When I pivoted to working with just women and reinvented myself to serve more than just the real estate industry, I decided I was going to do this coming out series (though I didn’t call it that at the time).

At the time, I didn’t really know what social selling was. I didn’t learn that until way later in 2019 when I joined a different coaching program. But there was a course I wanted to launch, and I was going to offer it to people for free – but the coach I was working with at the time said I should charge for it like a beta program.

So I did – I did 3 social media posts to establish my online visibility, and 2 of them were responsible for $1500.00 worth of sales!

Why does a coming out post work for increasing your online  visibility?

First of all, a coming out series or a coming out post works because it primes your profile.

This is important whether you’ve been posting yourself on social media for a while, or if you are just getting started.

If all you usually do on social media is post about your pets, kids, and family, and then you suddenly start posting about your business, it’s going to be really out of context. It will feel negative to some people, so you need to prime your profile to contextualize your coming out offer.

Coming out series/offers also work because they involve storytelling.

I use my personal profile for online visibility and sharing business information, but I do it in a way that adheres to FB’s guidelines.

I’m not spamming people on my personal profile, I’m making it personal and using it in a story-driven way. I’m not blasting sales links all the time. So, using stories is a way to promote yourself in a way that’s interesting for people who will never buy from you. You always want your content to be interesting even if people don’t buy from you, because it will keep people looped in until maybe one day they say, hey I need what this person has to sell.

Coming out series/offers work for online visibility because even though it’s about you, it has an outward focus.

Whenever you’re writing something for online visibility, social media, sales or promotions, you want to make sure people know what’s in it for them.

If I’m sharing a personal story and you have no idea what’s in it that’s going to be for you, then it’s not going to be that interesting. If you are going to share a story that is exclusively and entirely about you, you need to make sure it’s really juicy!

The first post in my coming out series, I actually talked about an ex boyfriend. I made the hook of my post about the ex boyfriend so that people would be like “oh, we want to know about the ex.”

(Funny story about that – the ex boyfriend’s wife saw that post and shared the post, claiming that I was gossiping or creating stories. The post wasn’t even about that, it was just for my hook. I guess my copywriting was pretty good if she thought it was worth sharing.)

How a coming out post for online visibility works – 4 steps

1. Decide on your purpose.

Every piece of content you create on the Internet needs to be geared toward sales.

You don’t always have to be selling something explicitly, but it needs to have an objective that is related to something that can eventually bring you money – like a lead magnet, Facebook Group, joining an email list, free challenges or webinars or selling something. So, you need to decide on your goal. Your goal should be based around something that will eventually lead to something that will make you money.

If you have never primed your social media before, I suggest including your lead magnet with the post.

2. The first post

Write out the story that leads you to this pivot.

You never want to write a blog post and then on your FB page say, “hey guys, I wrote a new blog post, click here to read it.” There’s nothing wrong with doing that, but people won’t have a good grasp on why they would be interested. People generally care more about themselves more than they care about anyone else, so decide on a story of why this will benefit someone.

Think about the problem you’ve encountered. Example:

I kept writing blogs, thinking eventually it would monetize, but it’s hard to monetize any business if you don’t know how you want to make money. Until I knew that the blog needed to be geared around what I was going to sell, I couldn’t connect the dots on how to make money with it.

I hired a blogging coach as my first solution. She taught me about Pinterest basics and SEO, and then she taught me about launching a course. But when she taught me about launching a course, she didn’t give me any of the details. She just told me, “You need to make sure to get on as many podcasts as possible, create as many blog posts and videos as possible, and then you can launch your course.”

That seemed like a lot of work!

For someone with a small audience, I just wasn’t sure how to put all the pieces together.

The problem I encountered was that I didn’t know how to monetize my blog for myself, even though I had helped other businesses for years.

The coach did help me figure some things out, but at the end of the day, I still didn’t know how to grow my email list. I knew I needed to do that in order to sell something, but I just didn’t have the skills.

After that, I figured out a trick on Pinterest, so I bought a bunch of Pinterest courses and created my own process, to where my email list started growing really, really fast. I then surveyed my list, asking what they wanted to buy, and was then able to do a course launch. Even though I still made money from affiliates and ads, the way I was able to reach a full-time income was selling courses and using paid ads.

This was the story that led me to create the Uniquely You Blog Business Plan. There are a lot of ways to monetize a blog, but if you want a stable way that you can control, I recommend creating an offer and scaling with FB ads.

Writing out the story won’t involve all the details of the story; you just want to have your head around the value for people.

3. Second post: the pivot.

This post tells your story, or a client’s story. Share mistakes that were made, and the solutions that you found, that are leading you to your new direction.

4. Third post: all about the offer.

Post breakdown using my examples:

First Post: backstory. I was a multi-passionate person who didn’t know how to focus. This ended up being a benefit to me, because I learned a lot of things about marketing. I ended up with a well rounded view on how to monetize businesses.

Second post: Talk about the pivot. That’s when I got into real estate coaching, but still got stuck.

Third post: I’m going to be sharing…[OFFER]. Announce your offer, and talk about the results it’s produced, what it is and how to get access to it.

Now, you don’t strictly have to do 3 posts. It could be 2, or even just 1 long post, but the goal is to prime your audience with this story-driven method.

If you’re not in the middle of selling something right now, I want you to focus on doing this for a lead magnet. This is another great tool for growing your email list if you have a small audience.

That is it for Online Visibility Part 1: Creating a Social Sales Coming Out Series. In Part 2 (coming soon), we will talk more about some of the nitty gritty and look at specific posts.


If you’d like some help growing your business,, let’s chat: AlisonReeves.Co/strategy-call

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