Blogging for a Business: Tips From a Business Coach & Marketing Expert

Blogging for a Business: Tips From a Business Coach & Marketing Expert

It’s 2021, and while some people ask “is blogging dead” many others are asking: “should I be blogging for a business”?

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And the answer is YES: most companies should definitely STILL be leveraging blogs for business.

Blogging for a Business

It’s true that in the last decade, blogging has changed–for better and for worse–but there are still several important reasons why you’ll always want to consider creating a blog for business.

Below, we’ll discuss the benefits of blogging for business, the best blogging platforms for business, and the importance of blogging for business.

Benefits of Businesses Blogging

What are the blogging benefits for business?

There are several benefits for businesses interested in leveraging blogs for their marketing and growth.

Blogging builds authority.

First of all, even with low traffic, blogging builds trust between you and your customers.

The key in a successful blog for a business involves understanding hat your customer struggles with, then knowing the WALL that they hit before they search for a solution.

For example: in one blog I worked on, customers came to the site because they needed to sell a house fast. However “sell a house fast” blog posts were extremely saturated. So, we worked backwards to solve their problem.

WHY do they need to sell a house fast? And what did they try in order to solve the problem themselves? One example: “I need to sell an inherited house without a will”.

So, instead of a high level post about selling a house fast, I wrote a more detailed post on inheritance, probate, and selling a house without a will.

The customer reads the process, gets the steps, and sees that they need help. Providing them with the solution built trust and authority, and the customers trusted us more than other companies because of this.

Over time, blogging increases visibility.

Blogging attracts new business, but it also creates more exposure for the existing services you provide. New blogs may not get much organic traffic, but the more consistent companies become with creating content and optimizing for search engines, the more organic traffic increases over time.

When people are searching for what you offer in their area, blogging helps to increase visibility of your small business.

Customers are more likely to seek you out when they need you, or at least know who your business is.

More reading: Online Visibility: Tips to Be Seen

Blog consistency helps diversify income.

Many businesses that blog successfully have diversified income with their blog.

Some of the ways a successful business is able to benefit from blogging includes e-commerce, selling products and services online, developing a paid community for customers to interact in, creating training courses, etc.

The most important part?

Blogging helps generate additional revenue from existing customers, and generates more leads for your revenue streams as your traffic increases (assuming you have an opt-in and lead capture method on your blog).

Best Blogging Platforms for Business

What are the best blogging platforms for business?

The best blogging platforms for businesses include the following: WordPress, Blogger and Tumblr.

  • WordPress is popular among business owners, can host robust and incredibly flexible sites, and is the most professional solution
  • Blogger offers free blogging platforms for business
  • Tumblr is a great platform for photography since you can showcase your work in an appealing way

I would highly recommend blogging on WordPress specifically, especially for established companies. Here’s an affiliate link to my favorite WordPress hosting.

Looking to start your site from scratch?

Go here to learn more about starting your blog for beginners.

Why Use WordPress for Blogging

WordPress is incredibly versatile, easy to use, and the most popular blogging platform.

If you are just starting a business blog, a self-hosted site is an excellent affordable solution.

Importance of Blogging for Business

Why is blogging important for business?

Businesses that blog are able to attract attention, increase visibility and drive traffic to their sites.

Blogs also serve as an additional avenue of communication with your customers. By interacting in the discussion forums, you build trust and authority which will help lead to more direct sales opportunities.

Blogs also provide opportunities for you to showcase awards, discuss upcoming events, share company changes, and more. While the best way to leverage your blog is to build authority through education, they can also be a powerful way to share other updates with your audience.

How to Start Blogging As a Business

How do I start blogging as a business?

Step 1:  Write posts that are valuable. Write posts that answer your readers questions, provide them with relevant information, and help solve their problems.

Step 2: Set up your blog correctly. Be sure to optimize your site for search engines through the use of keywords, images

Step 3: Use social media. Social media is an effective method to connect with your customers, share information, and build credibility.

Step 4: Track your progress. This will help you determine what content is working on driving traffic to your site, which posts are receiving the most shares or traffic (and why), etc.

Need Support?

Go to to learn the 4-step framework for a profitable blogging business.

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