The Ultimate Guide To Creating A 3-month Coaching Package

The Ultimate Guide To Creating Coaching Packages: 3-month coaching package

Want to grow or scale your coaching business? Keep reading for The Ultimate Guide To Creating a 3-Month Coaching Package.

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The Ultimate Guide To Creating 3-Month Coaching Packages

In the world of coaching and personal development, creating effective coaching packages is a game-changer for both coaches and clients.

A well-structured coaching package not only provides clarity and direction but also maximizes the potential for transformative growth. One popular and highly effective coaching package is the “3-month coaching package.” In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to create compelling 3-month coaching packages that deliver value and drive results for both coaches and their clients.

What is a 3-Month Coaching Package?

A 3-month coaching package is a structured program that spans three months. This package of coaching sessions is usually dedicated and focused period for personal or professional development. As someone who’s been a coach since 2017, I think a 3-month package is a great minimum time frame allows for in-depth exploration, goal-setting, and meaningful progress for your ideal clients. The 3-month duration strikes a balance between providing enough time for sustainable change and maintaining a sense of urgency and commitment.

How to Decide on Your Coaching Package

Creating a coaching package is a significant decision that should be driven by your expertise, passion, and the needs of your potential clients. Here are three crucial considerations to help you decide what you should create a coaching package on:

Identify Your Expertise and Passion

Start by evaluating your areas of expertise and passion. What topics or subjects are you genuinely knowledgeable and enthusiastic about? Your transformational coaching package should align with your strengths and interests. When you’re passionate and knowledgeable about the subject matter, your coaching will be more authentic and engaging. This leads  better results for your client base. Consider your background, professional experience, hobbies, and personal interests as potential sources of expertise to draw from.

Assess Market Demand

Conduct thorough market research to identify the demand for coaching services in your chosen niche. Are there people seeking guidance, support, or solutions in the area you’re considering? Analyze your target audience’s pain points, challenges, and aspirations. Look for gaps in the market where your expertise and coaching can provide unique value. You may also consider surveying your existing network or potential clients to gauge interest and gather insights into their specific needs.

Client-Centered Approach

Ultimately, your coaching package should be designed with your clients’ needs and goals in mind. Ask yourself what problems or challenges your coaching can help your clients overcome. Craft a clear and compelling value proposition that communicates the benefits of your coaching package to potential clients. Tailor your offering to address the specific pain points and aspirations of your target audience.

Ensuring that your coaching package aligns with the real needs of your clients is key to its success and your clients’ satisfaction.

Creating a coaching package should be a thoughtful process that combines your expertise and passion with market demand and client-centricity. Choose a niche that aligns with your strengths and interests while also addressing the needs of your target audience. This will help you develop a coaching package that is not only fulfilling for you as a coach but also valuable and transformative for people.

Want to start getting coaching clients? Here are some tips on getting your first client.

Creating Your 3-month coaching package

Define Your Coaching Niche and Goals

The foundation of any successful coaching program is a clear understanding of your coaching niche and goals. What specific area or expertise do you specialize in? What are the key outcomes you aim to help your clients achieve within three months? There are many types of coaches, but most fall into a few categories

  • Business coach: monetization and marketing, usually for entrepreneurs or aspiring business owners
  • Mindset coach: work through mental and spiritual blockers
  • Performance coach: efficiency, productivity, and life optimization
  • Health or wellness coach: weight loss, muscle building, fitness, physical performance
  • Career coaching: specifically for those looking for help with professional careers
  • Relationship coaching: dating, marriage, family
  • Skills coaching: mentorship on a particular skill
  • Life coaching: help people make lifestyle change. Life coaches can sometimes help with some of the niches above as well

Identifying your niche and setting precise coaching goals will guide the content and structure of your package. If you’re interested in high-end coaching, you’ll want to do some research on elevating your deliverables as much as possible. The more specific you can be, and the more sophisticated your results, the higher price you can charge.

Deciding How to Sell Your Program

Before selling a coaching package, decide your preferred way of selling your coaching. How will you decide new clients are a good fit?

Often, coaches will use sales calls to sell their coaching packages. You could also use lead magnets that lead to nurture emails, and push people to a sales call. Or, instead of a sales call you could push people to message you on Voxer or Whatsapp and bypass having a phone call. The way you sell needs to be aligned with your personality, and your schedule.

Ultimately, flow of sales will need to include:

  1. a way to collect their initial contact information
  2. a way to qualify the prospect
  3. a way to collect payment and
  4. a way to sign an agreement and/or disclosures.

Tailor Your Offering to Your Ideal Client

Understanding your ideal client is essential when creating a 3-month coaching package. Consider your target audience’s needs, pain points, and aspirations. Craft your package content to address these specific challenges and provide solutions that resonate with your clients.

What will your client need to get results?

Content: Do you need to provide any user content, like online courses, to support clients in getting results? What do they need to get to the next level in between calls?

Pricing and Payments: 

  • Do you only want to offer pay in full, or do you want or offer monthly payment plans? If you offer monthly payments, make sure you use a cart or merchant that can support payment plans. (Alternatively, you can invoice monthly, but this increases the admin in your business).
  • I highly recommend you ONLY charge in packages, not hourly. This helps stabilize your income. That said, you’ll want to loosely decide on your hourly rate so you know how to price packages

Time commitment: 

  • How often do you need to meet with clients? How much time do clients realistically need to get results? Is the program a set length (my recommendation) or do you want to offer a month to month program?
  • How long is each call? 45-minute session? Or 60 minutes, or event 90?

Outline the Coaching Journey

Map out the coaching journey that your clients will embark on during the three months. Start with an initial assessment or discovery session (or you can use the sales call for this) to identify their current situation and goals.

Then, break down the journey into weekly or bi-weekly sessions, each with a specific focus and set of objectives. The agenda of the first session is probably the most important.

This structured approach provides a clear roadmap for both you and your clients. At the end of each call, make sure clients are clear on the next step.

Set Clear Expectations and Boundaries

Effective communication and transparency are crucial throughout the coaching engagement.

Clearly outline the terms and conditions of your 3-month coaching package, including the number and duration of sessions, payment schedules, and any cancellation policies. Setting these expectations and boundaries upfront ensures a smooth and mutually beneficial coaching relationship.

Conclusion on 3-month coaching packages

In conclusion, a well-structured 3-month coaching package can be a transformative experience for both coaches and clients. By defining your niche, tailoring your offering, outlining the coaching journey, providing valuable resources, and setting clear expectations, you can create a package that delivers outstanding results. Remember that the “3-month coaching package” offers a powerful timeframe for meaningful change and growth, making it an excellent choice for coaches looking to make a lasting impact in the lives of their clients.

Need support in starting or scaling your coaching business? Book a free strategy session.

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