Apply By February 15 | Promote March 4 through 15 | Provide Free Access Through April 15

Grow Your Brand, Build Authority, Get Subscribers & Serve The People 🙂

Applications Closing In...

Applications are closed! Complete the form below to be considered for the next bundle.

Opt-in Page Listed In Order In Which We Get Applications
Or Completed Offer Information

Frequently Asked Questions

What is this? This is a free bundle that contains high quality low cost paid offers ($7 to $100) offers from multiple contributors that relate to health. 

What do I need to do? If you want to contribute, you’ll need to provide a high quality offer that isn’t found on your site for free, and hasn’t been in a bundle in 6 months. For this bundle, we are looking for products that have to do with health.

What do you need from me? The free offer, an easy way for people to access it, a blurb about what it is, and your commitment to send two emails about the free bundle to your email list.

What is the benefit? The benefit to you, and to me, is growing our email list. Because we have multiple contributors all sending to their list, everyone who participates will be exposed to each other’s audiences. I’ve grown by list by thousands by being in bundles, and I’ve been exposed to tens of thousands or possibly much more, by being in bundles. This is our first time organizing one. 

Can I have a tripwire after my opt-in? You can, or you can become an affiliate of my Abundant Entrepreneur Experience membership, and use that as your tripwire for the potential of earning recurring income. 

What if I have an offer on a different topic? We will be doing these quarterly, so feel free to submit another offering. 

I have other questions? Message me on Facebook or use my contact form to reach out about anything. 

Can one of my emails be a P.S. in an email? Yes, you can send one dedicated email and one P.S. You must send at least one dedicated email to be fair to the rest of the contributors, unless your email list is over 20,000. 

What if my email list is smaller than 200 subscribers? If your list is over 100, but you have a large social media following that is engaged (over 7,500 on one platform), then you can still participate in the bundle. Our goal is for the bundle to feel exciting for contributors with larger lists. We will have bundles in the future open to smaller audiences. 

Earnings disclaimer: All the testimonials included on our websites, programs, products and/or services are real-world examples and stories of other people’s experiences with our programs, products and/or services. But they are not intended to serve as a guarantee that you will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s performance is different and your results will vary accordingly. Learn more.