holistic health bundle

Claim Free Access to The Resources You Want Before Until April 15, 2024

Many of the resources only require your name and email to access. Some require coupon codes, which are above the orange button for each offer. You will not have to enter your credit card to claim any offer.

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How To Create A Meaningful Quiet Time

$29 Value: How To Create A Meaningful Quiet Time helps you deepen your relationship with God and revitalize your spiritual life. Identify where you are on your spiritual journey and set spiritual goals based on your unique season of life. Explore creative ways to spend time with God!

Roy and Ramona Vincent, Founders of Light And Manna

Roy and Ramona are a husband-wife ministry team that helps Christians deepen their relationship with God, pursue their purpose, and lead more impactful, joy-filled lives through transformational coaching, mentorship, and Bible study.

Emotional Eating Deep Dive Workshop

$67 Value: This deep dive workshop delves into emotional eating, starting with a discussion of emotional eating so that we can deepen our understanding of our own experience in this area. The second part introduces alternative emotional regulation strategies to manage overwhelming emotions, providing tools for reducing reliance on food as a coping mechanism. You will walk away with increased awareness, deeper insight, and renewed hope that it is possible to tackle emotional eating once and for all!

Dr. Claudia Perolini, Founder of the Enough Already Coaching Program

Dr. Claudia Perolini, a licensed therapist and emotional eating coach specializes in helping women transcend their emotional eating, reclaim control over their relationship with food, and break free from disempowerment and shame. Dr. Claudia guides women to explore alternative ways of regulating emotions through cultivating mindfulness and self-awareness.

Healthy Habits Planner Bundle

$57 Value: Elevate your well-being with the Healthy Habits Planner Bundle for a more vibrant you in the new year. This bundle includes a Weight Loss Planner, ensuring a tailored approach to your fitness goals, a Meal Planner for mindful nutrition, and a Fitness and Workout Planner for a dynamic exercise routine. It empowers you to conquer your health journey and unlock the key to a balanced life, where improved physical fitness enhances your business acumen and overall vitality.

Embrace the new year with a strategic plan for success, promoting wellness that will help you thrive in every aspect of your life.

Rosemary Morretta (She/Her) Founder at TeamSelfCare

Rosemary Morretta, a 30-year marketing veteran, holistic nutritionist, and self-care advocate, launched TeamSelfCare to provide science-based courses, tools, and programs for digital entrepreneurs, supporting their mental, physical, and emotional health and well-being so they can each thrive in their business and in life.

21 Days to Gratitude

$7 Value: Gratitude is the invisible building block—indeed, the cornerstone—essential in helping each human being live a life full of joy.

Look at someone living their dream life, obviously loving every moment, and inevitably the word ‘gratitude’ will pop up in their conversation.
You might think, of course they’re grateful: They have everything they’ve ever wanted.

But what if it was the other way around? What if it was gratitude that helped them achieve goals, choose the right paths and make the most of every opportunity?

Think about that. Ask them. Most likely, you’ll find that is true.

Be one of them. Grateful.

Marta Suchomska

She is the visionary behind Seven- membership, which equips you with the essential tools to excel in the behind-the-scenes operations of your online business.

In addition, she proudly serves as the publisher of the monthly digital magazine “Thriving Women in Business”.

As a woman, Marta embodies a unique blend of determination and self-assuredness. Her creative instincts are matched by her swift decision-making. She thrives on her autonomy while maintaining a protective stance over those she cares for.

Marta’s aspirations are firmly rooted in a commitment to improvement. She envisions a brighter future for herself and extends this aspiration to the individuals she supports. In her worldview, striving for better is not just a notion, but a principle that guides her actions, influencing her decisions to ensure growth and progress for all.

Angelic Perspective on Wellness

$33.33 Value: Learn what our angels have to say about how to live a long and healthy life – it is not what you might expect. Includes two meditations to integrate into your healing or wellness routine.

Use Coupon Code: LOVE4HEALTH for free checkout.

Amy Hageman (She/Her) Owner of amyhageman.love

Amy Hageman is a psychic channel, medium, and host of the Living Out Love podcast. Amy helps clients heal and grow in order to experience and express more love.

Astro Yoga Classes

$15 Value: With Astro Yoga, you can ignite change, break free from limiting circumstances, and confidently stride toward your dreams.

Join us for a short meditation, astrology conversation, and gentle yoga practice to get you feeling more connected and aligned with the universal energies! During the online class, we’ll explore movements and intentions in your yoga practice corresponding to the planetary energies affecting us today.

Use Code: HOLISTIC2024 for free checkout

Arnelle Mitchell (She/Her) Yoga Teacher & Astrologer

Arnelle is a 500hr yoga teacher, Vedic (and Western) astrologer and Ayurvedic practitioner.

She believes real yoga practice is deeper than appearances, perfect poses or flexibility. True yoga is about connecting with your highest self and embracing happiness.

One Free Month of Echoes of Maternal Wisdom Audio Membership

$27 Value: Echoes of Maternal Wisdom is a monthly membership program designed to provide mothers with guidance, comfort, and empowerment. Members gain access to weekly 15-minute audio recordings of guided meditations, affirmations, and imagery sessions, designed to promote calmness, confidence, and resilience in the face of motherhood’s challenges. Perfect for moms seeking an accessible, time-efficient way to prioritize self-care and navigate their motherhood journey with grace and assurance.

Melissa Reilly, Psy.D. (She/Her) Clinical Psychologist, Coach for Moms Without a Mom, Author, TEDx Speaker

Melissa Reilly, Psy.D., is a devoted mom of two, compassionate clinical psychologist, coach, TEDx speaker, and author specializing in helping moms without the support and guidance of a loving mother by their side. She empowers her clients to transition from feelings of overwhelm and loneliness to a life of confidence and support.

Minimalism Without Deprivation

$47 Value: Minimalism Without Deprivation helps you embrace minimalism in a way that fits your time, budget, and lifestyle so you can increase your happiness and find balance in all the areas of your life.

Sage Grayson (She/Her) Life Editor

Sage Grayson is a former book editor turned life and business coach. Since 2011, she’s been helping ambitious women edit their habits, routines, and mindsets to balance their happiness at work and home. As Sage likes to say, “I’m a Life Editor . . . and so are you!”

Private Podcast – 3 Mindset Shifts for SUSTAINABLE Health Habits

$147 Value: If you’re a successful woman who is burned out and stressed out from work/family/life… and you want to look and feel 5-10 years younger, and even lose a few pounds in the process, you’re in the right place.

This is a 3-day secret podcast series, where you will understand why you’ve had minimal success with diet and exercise – and what to do to FINALLY ditch those gremlins and start seeing results. These are 20-25-minute easy to digest segments that you can listen to on your phone and on the go.

Holly Bertone, PMP. CNHP, Midlife Comeback Coach

Holly Bertone is a Midlife Comeback Coach who helps burned-out, stressed-out professional mid-life women achieve SUSTAINABLE health without diets, restrictive protocols, or hours in the gym, so they can focus on creating a holistic approach to lifelong wellness, that actually fits into their already demanding lifestyle.

Holly is a former Chief of Staff at the FBI, who has overcome breast cancer, autoimmune disease, and debilitating chronic fatigue, and now combines her experience in project management with holistic health coaching to help her clients and students achieve sustainable results.

Makeover Your Microbiome

$19 Value: Sign up to Learn:
+How to optimize your gut health to support your overall immunity & well-being
+The best foods to help boost your gut-diversity
+Non-food-related tools to support your gut health and microbiome
+Easy shopping, cooking, and meal planning techniques to help you build gut-healthy recipes

Use Code HHB for free checkout.

Jenny Eden Berk, MSEd (She/Her) Eating Psychology Coach // Culinary Nutritionist // Best-selling author

Jenny Eden Berk is an Eating Psychology coach, Culinary Nutritionist and #1 best selling author of the book, The Body Image Blueprint. She helps sensitive and soulful women release chronic stress, restore body confidence, eat consciously and heal their relationship with food.

Mindful Family Travel Starter Kit

$11 Value: Consciously curated starter kit of 11 mindful family travel quotes and 7 family travel journal prompts that will bring you an elevated awareness to the memories you are forging together.

This is for you if:
You are interested in embracing travel with kids in tow and are passionate about using travel as a way to learn more about the world and yourself.

What you’ll receive:
• 11 downloadable mindful family travel quotes
• 7 downloadable mindful family travel journal prompts

Monica Virga Alborno (She/Her) Founder, Mom, Expat, Engineer

Monica is a toddler mom, founder of retreats for moms AND children, an engineer, and an expat of the world for 12 years. Her obsession is serving busy moms by finding ways to show up as their best and continue self-discovery with children in tow.

DIY Retreat Guide

$34 Value: Do you wish you could go on a retreat but don’t have the time, money or luxury of escaping to an exotic location for a week? You can create your own meaningful retreat experience…whether you only have a few hours or a whole weekend. This digital package includes meal plan suggestions, mindfulness activities, coloring pages, music playlist ideas, short meditation audios and more.

Kris Fleet (She/Her) 

Kris is dog lover, coffee addict and a holistic nutritionist. She is passionate about helping people on their wellness journey using a heart centered, holistic approach.

Addressing & Preventing Burnout as a Mompreneur

$47 Value: If you’re experiencing signs of burnout: fatigue, lack of motivation, brain fog, trouble sleeping, etc. then you need this training! As a momprenuer we’re at higher risk for developing burnout, but with the tips I share in this training, you can kick burnout to the curb!

Vanda Aubrey, Functional Medicine Nurse Coach

Vanda is a functional medicine nurse coach on a mission to help moms feel their best! She teaches mamas how to use the power of minerals to not just get-by in motherhood, but truly feel like they’re thriving, WITHOUT having to follow crazy rules or give up foods they love.

ADHD Meal Planning Guide

$37 Value: This meal planning guide is written for the ADHD brain. It explains why we struggle with planning and cooking, and gives actually doable tips on how to make this process easier. In the back of the book are meal planning templates and recipes to help get started!

For Free Checkout: Add to Cart and then use code ADHDFREE at checkout.

Jaime Bacon (She/Her)

Jaime is a Nutrition Coach with ADHD. She teaches busy women how to meal plan and eat healthy in a way that works for their ADHD brains.

Self Love Affirmation Cards

$29 Value: Ready to deepen your self-love? Get instant access to these Self Love Affirmation Cards to bring more ease, love & joy into your busy days!

Catherine Wilde (She/Her) Founder of Soul Care Mom

Catherine Wilde is a mom of three, Founder of Soul Care Mom, and Best Selling Author of Reclaiming Your Inner Sparkle. She is passionate about helping women get out of survival mode and release mom guilt so they can truly enjoy motherhood.

Inner Workout Deck: 55 Cards to Awaken Consciousness

$27 Value: When you look at health from the perspective of our body, mind and spirit, we are able to integrate all parts of ourselves for healing and wellbeing. The Inner Workout card deck gives you practical tips and inspiration that my clients and myself have used to motivate each day as a practice towards our abundant health.

Dr. Joan Borden (She/Her) 

Dr. Joan Borden is a life coach specializing in health and wellness. She combines thirty years professional experience in western and energy medicine to help her clients create their vibrant health.

Holistic Skin Health Journal

$7 Value: If you are struggling with eczema, topical steroid withdrawal, or any skin related issues for that matter, your mental health matters.

When we don’t process or release stored of emotions it can show up in the form of eczema, psoriasis, rosacea and more.

Use this journal to guide you on diving deeper into your mental so you can clear your skin.

Kishok Satkunarajah

I am a Certified Nutritional Practitioner helping clients clear their skin through nutrition, lifestyle, and mindset coaching.

A Woman’s Guide to Intentional Living

$20 Value: Working women: Start living PROactively instead of REactively, get more out of life, have more time and energy, have better relationships, and feel calm and expansive.

Click Buy Now and use Code BundleMe for free checkout.

Gina Ramirez (She/Her) Certified Health Coach & Licensed Therapist

Gina Ramirez is Certified Health Coach, Licensed Professional Counselor, and Certified Worksite Wellness Specialist. She specializes in helping working women to bring down the stress and get into the calm.

Seed Cycling & Cycle Syncing Masterclass

$50 Value: Learn how to balance your hormones with specific nutrients at specific times along with tailoring your activities and exercise to each phase of your cycle to optimize hormones.

Angel Hill (She/Her) DNM

Dr. Angel has worked with 7,000 clients over the last 14 years. Her area of expertise is women’s hormones.

Rebuild Your Core Framework For Moms

$77 Value: Rebuild Your Core Framework For Moms is a simple 5 step guide to finding and improving diastasis recti after babies. Created by a mom of two with both personal and professional experience with ab separation, it helps you identify and address core issues by working on root causes from a holistic perspective (video training included!).

Dr. Annalissa Martins (She/Her) 

I’m Dr. Annalissa Martins, pelvic health physical therapist, and postpartum corrective exercise specialist, and I love helping moms find and love their core and pelvic floor after babies.

Free Trial Workout

$49 Value: Exercise sampler. Included for you are full body stretches, bodyweight exercises that can be done at home or in the gym, upper and lower workouts for the gym.

Click “Buy Now” and use Code Holistichealth100 (Underneath Card Number) for free checkout.

Audra Romeo

Audra is a certified personal trainer and nutritionist who specializes in function strength training, weight maintenance, and youth sports nutrition. With her extensive workout experience no will never have a boring workout and she believes fitness is for every-body.

Morning Routine Audio Toolkit For Caregivers

$27 Value: This toolkit contains meditation and deep breathing audios to help family caregivers center themselves and begin the day with a sense of calm and peace.

This toolkit will help stressed-out and busy caregivers say goodbye to overwhelming mornings and hello to a sense of control, balance, and well-being.

Use Code HOLISTICHEALTH for free checkout.


Cassandra Martin-Himmons (She/Her) CEO

Cassandra is a licensed social worker, stress management coach and family caregiver who is passionate about helping other family caregivers decrease stress, anxiety and overwhelm while increasing feelings of balance and calm while adding more self-care into their daily lives.

Holistic Wellness Bundle for Weight Loss, Energy Surge, and Self-Care Mastery!

$97 Value: Discover the transformative power of putting yourself first. By mastering effective time management and infusing healthy habits into your routine, you can lose weight and boost your health, confidence, and energy levels. Imagine being able to offer your best to others without feeling drained.

Use Code holisticwellnessbundlefree for free checkout.

Andrea Caprio (She/Her) Weight Loss & Emotional Eating Coach. Master Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach

Andrea Caprio, an expert in emotional eating and a master transformational nutrition coach, developed her Food Freedom Formula to help busy people struggling with cravings and emotional eating lose 20 pounds or more without dramatic changes to their diets or workouts.

Andrea’s mission is to help others break free from self-sabotage, heal their relationship with food, and figure out how they want to live life on their own terms.

30 Days to a Better Birth

$39 Value: If you’re overwhelmed by all there is to do and learn to prepare for labor, you’ll love this 30 day email course that gives you just enough knowledge to absorb in a day, along with an activity to complete that helps you cement this knowledge deep into your being. You’ll walk away feeling encouraged and empowered and more ready than ever to labor with grace and ease.

Bethany Dykman (She/Her) 

Bethany Dykman is a fun loving, natural minded doula with 20 years in the industry. Having birthed 5 children of her own, she’s learned a thing or two about pushing tiny humans out of small places and loves to share that knowledge with the next generation of women.

Cycle Sync My Routines Planner – Notion Template

$14 Value: The first edition of the Cycle Sync My Routines Planner – Notion Template is here! Your ultimate companion for leveraging the phases of your menstrual cycle in your daily routines. Let’s level up your productivity by unlocking your natural superpowers hidden within your cycle.

Alyssa Katelyn

Hi! I’m Alyssa, your new cycle syncing routines coach. I work with women to align their daily routines with their menstrual cycle so they can live a life of productivity, avoid burnout, and love their natural cycles.

The Rise and Thrive Morning Routine Challenge

$9 Value: Why Join the Rise and Thrive Morning Routine Challenge?

Cultivate a Purposeful Start:

Jumpstart your day with mindfulness and intention-setting practices tailored specifically for women, transforming your morning routine into a powerful catalyst for positivity, focus, and energy.

Build Sustainable Habits:

With daily videos, audios, and an interactive workbook, you’ll establish lasting habits that enhance your overall well-being, helping you navigate life’s challenges with resilience and grace.

Use Code MORNING for free checkout.

Tazim Damji (She/Her) Certified Holistic Nutritionist for Midlife Women

Tazim Damji is a seasoned holistic nutritionist specializing in empowering women over 40 to reclaim their energy and find balance through mindfulness and intention-setting. With a compassionate approach, science-backed data, and a wealth of experience, she guides her clients on transformative journeys towards revitalized well-being and sustained vitality.

Learn The Benefits Of Our Breath – Breathwork e-Course

$250 Value: The Learn The Benefits Of Our Breath Breathwork e-Course will help you to calm the body, mind, and Spirit, bringing balance, and calm back into your life. Our health is our cornerstone and I want to teach you how to take your life and health into your own hands.

Use Code holistichealth100 for free checkout.

Tammy Trayer, IHP

As an Integrative Health Practitioner, Tammy is teaching people just like you to take their life and health into their own hands, rebalance their body, and create their own happiness!

A Mindful Moment

$17 Value: Despite the well-known mental and physical benefits of mindfulness, many of us find it challenging to make it part of our daily routines. We think we don’t have time or that we need to sit in weird positions or that we’re doing it wrong because we can’t turn our brains off. This guide and 7-day email series will show you how quick & easy it can be to adopt mindfulness practices, so that you too can reap the benefits.

Pamela James (She/Her) Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach

Pamela is a national board-certified health & wellness coach specializing in holistic self-care and stress management using natural tools such as essential oils, yoga, & meditation to achieve balance. She is particularly passionate about aging well with a healthy brain and mental well-being.

Winning at Life: Weight Loss Intro Course

$27 Value: A walkthrough of the philosophy and mindset that will lay the groundwork for lasting change regarding your weight and health. These principles will improve your health from the ground up, rediscover your life balance, and unlock your full potential.

Matt Kansy (He/Him) Health and Wellness Coach

As a Registered Dietitian and certified personal trainer, I have spent the last 20 years training myself to become well-versed in a wide range of healthcare and wellness topics. By emphasizing the fundamental lifestyle practices of our ancestors, we can significantly improve our health and performance.

Embody: Find Your Centre, Get Ready to Dance Mini Course

$20 Value: In this mini but mighty course, learn to plug back into the earth, activate your rest and digest system, totally relax and find your expressive self as you expand into the world! ‘ It’s such a great practice for quick relaxation and grounding.’

Use Code HolisticGIFT100 for free checkout.


Helene Su (She/Her) Embodiment and Somatic Dance Coach for Empowered Magnetic Dynamism

Helene is a somatic dance coach to help visionaries be magnetically visible, so that they can fully show up and shine, to fill out their workshops and retreats and make a difference in the world. She is a yoga teacher, reiki master and has an MA in Dance and Somatic; and has given talks and workshops in UK and Europe over nearly 20 years.

Quick & Easy Metabolism Boosting Recipes

$14 Value: 27 Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free & Plant-Powered Recipes – Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a kitchen beginner, our collection of recipes is designed to make your cooking experience a joyous and healthful one. From breakfast delights to satisfying dinners, each recipe is crafted with care to rev up your metabolism and nourish your body.

Lora Ulrich, Certified Holistic Nutritionist

I’m a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Executive Wellness Coach helping busy peri & menopausal women crack the code to living a healthy lifestyle. As a professional, I know the science behind helping women Feel Great and Love Their Bodies. As a woman, I understand the demands of real life and the struggles, traumas and baggage that can get in the way.

Knock Out Your Cravings: The Bundle

$99 Value: Stop your cravings & bust through your weight loss struggles without dieting or willpower.
This bundle includes:

  • Start Your Weight Loss Journey
  • A Simple Technique to Crush Your Cravings & Shed Extra Weight
  • Craving Quiz to determine if your cravings are holding you back from losing weight
  • Support group with additional trainings and support

Sarah Rau, Champion for Working Moms Knocking Out Their Cravings

Sarah Rau specializes in helping moms stop their cravings so they can lose 40+ pounds while keeping up with their busy careers and families.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is this? This is a free bundle that contains high quality paid offers, offered to you for free for a limited time, from multiple successful entrepreneur contributors who have a heart centered approach to business. 

What do I need to do? Opt in on this page to get instant access to over $2,000 in gifts. It will be open for a limited time, so claim the resources you want ASAP!

What will I get? You will get as many of the resources for free as you want, but you must claim them before they expire. By opting in on this page, you’ll opt in as a subscriber to AlisonReeves.co. This will ensure you get access to the free gift options! Unsubscribe anytime. 

I have other questions? Message me on Facebook or use my contact form to reach out about anything.