Ready To Grow A Wildly Successful 6-Figure Business, Without Being Chained To Your Desk?

It's time to tick off all your business goals AND enjoy life again!

What if you could continue growing a wildly successful business...

While simultaneously learning to work less, feel fully deserving, and create the freedom that made you start your business in the first place?

You can.

Let me audit your business, and give you some tips.

Then give you an idea on how I can help you reach your goals.

Does any of this sound familiar?

Your business feels chaotic.

You started this business to work less and make more, but you feel unfocused and have a hard time delegating.

You keep hitting a ceiling.

You made some money – but have a hard time keeping it. Or you made great money – but can never seem to reach that next income level. 

You’re stuck on an income roller coaster.

You’ve had some success, and even some big success, but are still stuck on an income roller coaster.

You never feel like you’re getting ahead.

You’re making more money than you’ve ever made, but you periodically manifest massive expenses or low sales, and everything feels hard.

You’re great at what you’re doing, but need a guide.

You don’t need another course – you just need accountability and someone you trust to help you make decisions and get off the hamster wheel.

You have SO many ideas, but you also have SO many tasks. 

In a lot of ways, you’re ready for the next thing. Another income stream, a fun project, scaling a program, starting a new site. And at the same time, you’re constantly underwater. When does business get to feel fun again?

Here's The Truth...

The success of your wildest dreams can coexist and finally thrive when it is combined with transformation and healing.

It’s time to:

  • Heal your money stories
  • Own your worth
  • Tune into the desires of your heart
  • Create the life you want

How Would It Feel To...

Feel calm and fully in control of your business.

Learn how to work less, make more, and structure your life to create the freedom that made you start your business. 

Create more consistency and flow with your income and your life.

Learn not just how to make MORE sales and income, but also the mindset shift and energetics of keeping it so you can consistently reach new income levels. 

Create AND achieve bigger goals than you ever thought possible.

Set goals you never thought you would set, and reach goals you never thought you would reach. Why aim for $10k months when you can aim for $50k, $100k or even $1M months, and know that if you’re CALLED to that, you will make it happen. Oh – and have it feel easy. 

Confidently minimize your to do list, and build the team of your dreams.. 

Start new projects, delegate the less interesting ones, free up your time, and have fun in your business again. Confidently hire and maintain the team of your dreams.

Ready for More Money & a Reliably Growing income so You can enjoy Your business & say YES to more things in life? I Would Love To Share With You...

Worthy of Wealth

An Inner Circle To Help High Achieving Entrepreneurs Grow Their Business And Heal Their Life.

A lot of us are great at making money, but struggle with consistency, confidence, deserving and keeping money.

And this isn't because you're weak, or a failure, or "not cut out for it". This is a normal part of doing hard things other people don't do. That's what makes you special - but it doesn't have to stay hard.

Overflow is more than a specific number. It’s about feeling worthy and tuning into what you want in every area of your life.

The truth is: in order to have what you've never had, you need to start BEING who you've never been.

[This group] has been unlike any other investment I've made in my business.

Many business mentors out there want to teach you one system that has worked for them. I wanted to work with Alison because she has extensive knowledge and success in many business models.

What has been most impactful, however, is un-learning my own patterns of self sabotage in my business
and learning to actually enjoy it in the ways that I had hoped to when I first set out to be an entrepreneur.

When I first joined Worthy of Wealth, the first thing I noticed was how supportive the entire program was and I felt held for the first time and not like I was "boot-strapping" in my business.

The community she has built easily doubles the value of the program, and the resources she provides address strategy and holistic resilience as an entrepreneur. I know this is only the beginning of my success and enjoyment of my business, and I could not thank Alison more!

Simplify & Own Your Worth

Stack Income & Create Ease

Align Offers & Move Fast

What's Inside

Worthy of Wealth

The Goals

Attract AND Keep More Success, With More Ease

Reliably Growing Income

Increase your income as soon as possible, and this is a very consistent result of this first deep dive, in addition to giving you a quarterly action plan.

Abundance of Funds

Create leverage in your business. No more trading time for dollars.

Enjoyment From Business

Design an aligned way to get more sales or clients. We want you to get to be creative, and enjoy the way you market and sell.

Freedom to Slow Down

Regulate your nervous system so you can stop freaking out, you'll restore and elevate your mindset, and you'll address money cycles and stories you get stuck in.

The process


Working on your mindset, because self belief is the earliest and most consistent bottleneck people have


Creating leverage in your marketing and sales, so you can create financial safety and make more money without working more


Building resilience, so you can have a flexible nervous system, and stop experiencing the roller coaster of triggers


Learning the art of allowing, and experiencing exciting self trust and deep rest in enjoying your life

The tools

Group calls

Weekly coaching calls (with the exception of holidays), that cover strategy and mindset. Small Zoom group - if you come, you get coached! One call monthly dedicated solely to somatic and mindset work.

All Access Pass

Get Access to any course or program content that you need

Private community

Private Slack community for weekly accountability, calendar reminders, group chat and a private chat with Alison.

Optional Add-on, 1:1 Calls

Limited availability! Monthly 1:1 calls for accountability and deep dives into strategy and implementation. These calls can be used to focus on strategy, implementation, mindset or somatics.

What Some Clients Have To Say

Shannon Became a 6-figure blogger in 3 months

I made $7,000 in one day, from the combination of my email list and the TikTok. The TikTok drove most of the sales. Then by the end of the week, I think I came to you and I was like, “Should I run Facebook ads to this?” So we did – and the ad started getting 3x return on ad spend. The product is only $12. I just started bumping up my budget.

By the end of that week, I had had my first 20k month. Then, going into March, there was a point where I was running ads at $3,000 a day!

I finished the month of March with my first six-figure month. I was very close to a 200k month basically. It was insane. That was when I could say, “I made six figures this year as a blogger.” It’s just crazy. If I do nothing else this year…

John Made $100k in Sales in 4 months with a product

john smith lily chillers founder

I invented a product but had no idea how to market and sell it. Covid had just started and no one was going into stores to even see my product.

Alison helped me with the strategy, provided invaluable insight into my funnel design, helped write my follow up email campaign, and gave me the ad strategy that was getting me purchases for a ridiculously low amount.

She also helped with my mindset that I was struggling with. I ended up doing a little over $100k in 3 months.

I attribute a large part of my success to her. If you have the chance to work with her you should jump at the opportunity. I can’t express how thankful I am to her.

I'm very grateful for this group. I've gotten more out of this group in the short time we've been together than I did out of a much much more expensive mastermind that I was in last year. Props to Alison Reeves for everything she's done to put this together and the value she's delivering.