Get More Clients FAST With No Email List OR Following

For Aspiring Coaches & Service Providers Looking For a A More Aligned Method Than What The Bro Marketers Seem To Teach...

Having a big, 𝒇𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒚 email list to market to is nice,
but making hassle-free sales before you even “launch” is better!

Tell me if this sounds like you...

You've convinced yourself that you have to have a huge audience to make money. (←  This is a lie)

PLEASE NOTE: What you're about to discover is designed specifically for people who want to increase their income online, but have a small audience or are struggling to get sales with their email list. It's for people who have have a go-getter attitude, are willing to do something new that might require some discomfort, and will TRUST the process. If you'd rather hide behind a keyboard or stay broke, this might not be for you.

Nellwyn Filled Her Client Roster In 4 Weeks After launching online for the first time

Nellwyn came to me because as a published Memoir Author, she had some success selling her course in-person to friends…

But had no idea if it could work online (and if so, how?)

While working together, we leveraged her existing opportunities to sell out her program online in 4 weeks, get sales for the next round, and completely book up her 1:1 availability. 

"Thanks for everything this past month - it's been really incredible. I no longer have to take on projects I’m not interested in just for the money, and I’m excited about my work everyday. I'm currently *completely* booked, so that's really exciting."

What if there was a way to expedite sales - while building a growing audience?

Best of all? Learn how to curate attention instead of wait for it, and how to package higher ticket offers so you can monetize your audience more easily, regardless of size.

Ready to learn more?

Rachel Made $14,000 In 4 Weeks With no audience and no website.

Rachel came to me because she had a ton of corporate experience in marketing and product development, but she was ready to go off on her own so she could stay home full time.

She launched her offer, the Bulletproof Business, and quickly helped clients see results. She made $14k her first month.

Welcome To...

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Learn How To Use Social Media To Increase Leads & Sales For Mid-Ticket & High Ticket Offers

In 2017, I felt desperate.

I was a rockstar in my marketing career, but underpaid and surrounded by millionaires and people who seemed to have it all together.

I just kept thinking: my time will come, someone will pay me what I’m worth, everything will be ok.

…Then my husband, who brought home twice what I did at the time, got let go at his job suddenly.

We were devastated.

…But I was also angry.
Fed up.

I decided then: being financially powerless is no longer an option.

Because of my niche and expertise at the time, I decided to start marketing coaching in real estate.

Just one problem:

The only way I knew how to get clients at the time was with sophisticated funnels. And the only way I knew to get traffic quickly was lots of paid ads.

▶️I paid $7,000 to have a bro-marketer type build me a webinar funnel.
▶️I took months recording the webinar and crafting an offer.
▶️I did absolutely no market research and trusted the people I’d hired to guide me.
▶️THEN, I spent at least $8,000 on top of that for Facebook ads to fill the funnel.

And by the end of the year?

I made around $7k. (An $8k loss).

I felt full of shame. 🥺

I jumped head first to try to change our situation and all I’d done is get myself in a hole.

There had to be a better way to get clients organically, like I did on my blog.

And after small amounts of action, patience, and finally developing systems for myself, I eventually crafted the Small Audience Sales System.

Enter: Social Selling

Launching is problematic when you’re newer to online business because if you don’t have an audience, you won’t get sales. 

So…what if you don’t launch? 

What if you stopped relying on the “product ladder” (having 5 different price points for 5 different things before you even know what people will ACTUALLY buy from you…)

What if you could start selling your offer without using ads?

What if you could sell your program before you build it, instead of launching things that fail?

Once I started relying on organic social selling…

  • My income started increasing more consistently 
  • I was able to more easily manage my time and energy
  • I went from 10k, to 20k, to 30k months
  • I felt happier and more optimistic
  • I repeated record-breaking months more easily
  • I used ads to augment my sales, rather than create all of them

Started Booking More Sessions & Clients And increased his Instagram engagement.​

Ches is someone who I know from my past life as a Marketing Manager, and like me, he was side-hustling to increase his income. He joined the Small Audience Sales System to refine his offer, raise his prices, and create more passive income. Without even completing the course, he’s already started booking more sessions and clients, has a plan for the year for higher value offers, and has higher engagement than ever. 

Massive Value in Content + Coaching

What You Get When You Invest in CLIENT LAB

You’ll use my market research strategies and offer creation techniques to craft your high ticket offer and validate your idea.

  • Understand your own personal transformation story
  • Learn how to identify the transformation your clients will experience
  • Identify your unique value and skillset
  • Learn two flexible ways to do casual market research
  • Do competitive analysis
  • Craft your offer

You’ll get my personal sales script and sales training on how to get people to raise their hand and say “YES, I want this”.

  • Get my sales script template
  • Learn how to use the template, and make it work for you
  • Understand how to handle buyer objections without making it super weird
  • Use my “money evidencer” to PUMP you up before sales conversations
  • Get a sales page template created by a sales copy expert
  • Get a detailed training on creating a sales page

You’ll learn how I use social media in a unique and consistent way to generate leads, but you’ll also learn how to make my process work for you.

  • Get my exact copy and paste insane strategy I used to use for selling on social media
  •  Learn how I adjusted it over time to make it more easeful – and how to adapt the process for you
  • Choose social media platforms and methods that feel easeful and aligned to you
  • Learn how to write AMAZING sales and nurture content, every single day (or on whatever schedule works for you)
  • Learn the tech behind booking sales calls
Learn how to launch a Facebook group organically, how to launch new offers and the basics of Facebook ads. 

  • Get my Facebook group strategy that led to a 14k month with only 300 people
  • Learn how to create, launch and nurture a Facebook group for sales
  • Get a simple guide on my live launch process
  • Facebook ads introduction – basic setup

How We Do It

Work through the pillars above and start taking meaningful action from the very first video.

Gain access to message me on Voxer once a week for 8 weeks while you put your offer together and have sales questions.

You’ll be able to submit three detailed pieces of content to me and my team for review, ranging from your research and coaching offer details, to sales pages or sales copy you want to share,

Get access to an 8 module program to learn eight+ tools with exercises for calming anxiety in your business and regulating your nervous system.

$997 (Payment Plan Available)

$7,600 In 30 Days With No Audience And quit her job.

Samantha had some previous entrepreneur success and direct sales experience, but was anxious to leave her demanding job where she was never home – to spend more time at home while making more money.  She had HUGE initial success. But what makes her story even MORE interesting is the slump she experienced and how she recovered from a “success hangover”. She’s now made as much as $10,000 in one week.

Pivoted From Counselor To Coach Started selling $2,000 packages instead of hourly rates.

Janika has a successful therapy practice for couples, and loves what she does. Problem was: she felt like her income was capped, and hated being limited to her local offer. 

We worked together to structure a coaching offer for single women that Janika was OBSESSED with, so she could add $2,000 coaching packages to her offerings. 

Emma Got 4 Sales Calls In 24 Hours With one post on social media.

Emma is an entrepreneur friend who came to me a bit desperate after having a few hugely successful months. 

She’d been so successful and was doing so much client work…that she slacked on her marketing and didn’t have any more leads in the pipeline!

She went through my social sales training, implemented what I taught, and had 4 prospect calls 24 hours later.

$38,000 in sales with $300 in ads

I averaged $10k months for about 6 months with some ups and downs, before exploding to my first $38k month and an average of $25k months. 

ALL because I mastered organic sales – and used ads to augment my sales, rather than bring them all in.

Who Is This Program For?

This course is for anyone who wants to mid and high ticket offers online. 

It is best for coaches, consultants, course creators and service providers.

While the course has the words “high ticket accelerator” – I’ve had clients use these techniques to increase sales on offers ranging from $7 to $7,500 (literally). 

The problem many new online entrepreneurs face is having a small audience or email list. 

And while having an email list is crucial for sales, especially long term, I want you to know: that doesn’t mean you have to have NO sales in the mean time. 

Using my social selling techniques is how many of my clients – bloggers AND coaches alike – are getting sales faster than they would relying on emails and funnels alone. 

Frequently Asked Questions

When can I access the course? You’ll be automatically enrolled in Thinkific for free as soon as you purchase. You’ll get an email with your login info, and can access the content immediately.

What if I don’t know what to sell? We go over offer creation in the program. In fact, even if you already have an offer, you will probably refine it in the program.

What if I don’t have a Facebook group? No group required! I do think it’s helpful to have one eventually, but you don’t need to have one at all unless it feels fun and aligned to you. I teach my Facebook group launch method in the program.

What is the refund policy? If you do not access the course content, you can have a refund within 72 hours of purchasing the course. If you access course content, no refunds will be issued.

What results can I expect? Coaching clients who use these techniques end up making between $0 to $20,000 their first month. That said, we never guarantee results, because those are up to you!

But I do know that the potential is tremendous, and this strategy works. 

Will this work for my niche? Feel free to message us with specific niches, but we found that this works for most coaching, consulting and service-based offers that have an audience on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn. 

Hi, I'm Alison.

I’ve been marketing online since 2011 and have always had some kind of side hustle to increase my income. Even as a high performer in my career, I was underpaid for my work and thought: one day, after doing this long enough, someone will pay me what I’m worth. 

Then one day I finally learned: no one will pay you as much as you will pay yourself. (Quote: Amanda Francis)

Then in 2017 when my husband got laid off, I finally realized I couldn’t live this way anymore. I got serious about creating  a business where I could have full control over making more money. 

But it wasn’t easy. 

Without guidance, I over-spent, floundered in constant pivoting and indecision, and worked way too much.

The first thing that finally changed the game for me was investing in a 1:1 coach. 

alison reeves online business coach

But my income didn’t increase reliably until I did something most coaches don’t do… I stopped launching.

What I’m teaching in the S.A.S.S. program is information that previously wasn’t available for anyone other than 1:1 clients. 

But I know you need this…

And I want as many of you to have it as possible. So I packaged it to make it more accessible. 

$997 (Payment Plan Available)

Earnings disclaimer: All the testimonials included on our websites, programs, products and/or services are real-world examples and stories of other people’s experiences with our programs, products and/or services. But they are not intended to serve as a guarantee that you will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s performance is different and your results will vary accordingly. Learn more.