$9 training + resources to help you plan your next
minimalist sales event, with maximum results.

Lemme Guess: You have a growing audience and want to sell more often to increase your income.

And you know that launching new offers or re-launching existing offers is the way to get there.

The problem is…

😭 Launches feel exhausting, there's so many moving parts
😭 You don't want to wear out your audience
😭 You have a lot on your calendar, how can you squeeze something else in?

If you’re over there nodding and wincing, I’ve got some good news to share:

There’s a simpler way — keep on reading!

Imagine a world... (Read in that Low Pitched movie trailer voice)

Wouldn't it be nice if you could...

😀 Launch new offers monthly if you feel like it
😀 Without hosting a giant warm-up sequence or free training
😀 And your audience liked the process?

All without having to hire a new team member to get it done?

Well, I’ve got some good news to share:

That’s the real magic that happens when you leverage the low energy launching!


Lite Launches

An epic training to help you launch more often, if you want to, without fatiguing yourself, your team or your audience.

With Lite Launches You’ll Be Able To…

  • Plan your next minimalist launch, and launch TODAY
  • Get resources and templates to remove any legwork 
  • Launch existing products or new products more often, without using more time or resources

And the best part? You can get it for just $9.

What They're Saying..

This is a brand new offer. But here’s what some buyers said about other cool things I made…

Here’s what you’ll learn inside

  • Get the flow of a minimalist launch, including a calendar outline and checklist
  • Sales emails from a recent low energy launch of mine to use as a template, and sales email frameworks that are more bare-bones
  • Metrics to look at during and after your launch to determine how to make it better

And we cover it all in less than 75 minutes so you can hypothetically launch the same day you buy this course.

What's Included...For Just $9

Lite Launch Training Video

  • A 75-minute training video, delivered live and available in the course portal immediately after delivery.


This video will cover:

  • how to choose a product from your suite for a lite launch of an existing product to an existing email list (you can also use this strategy to launch on social if you have a social following)
  • what makes a lite launch different than a “full launch”
  • benefits and downsides of lite launches
  • multiple ways to create urgency to get people to buy
  • a suggested timeline for launching
  • extra credit to increase sales

To Summarize

This isn’t an energetic training on what is, and isn’t aligned for you. This is a specific, minimalist strategy to encourage you to launch your offers without overthinking it, while making sure that your launch will result in sales.

What Else You Get

Sales Email Templates

Bare bones sales email frameworks, and example emails I used recently for a launch.

Metrics Template

Google sheet template so you can track your launches and make them better every time.

Launch Checklist/timeline

A simple checklist to make sure you have everything you need to get going!

What is not included

  • How to create a new offer, or ideas for a new offer
  • How to create your sales page
  • How to create and use payment processors

You might be wondering...

When will this content be available?

On or before 2/15/24.

How long will it take me to complete it? 

Going through the Lite Launches course itself will take an hour or so. I kept it short and sweet so you can dive straight in.

The resources in addition to the training video are meant to help you take action today.

What if I don’t have a anything to sell? 

If you’ve never sold anything, or you’re at a total loss of WHAT to sell, you may want to pick up my program, Fast Offer Frameworks.

What kind of business or products will this work for? 

Usually products under $200 are easier to sell with simpler funnels. You could also use this Lite Launch strategy to put your coaching or services on sale, and get people on the phone or go to a sales page. Hypothetically you could also use this for crafts and physical products, but the email templates will be geared towards courses, coaching and digital products.

What will I need to get started right away? 

My assumption is that if you’re interested in this course, you already have an email marketing tool, a way to make sales pages, and a way to collect payments. That’s what you need!

What if I don’t learn anything new?

While I don’t do refunds for digital products, if you’re unhappy with this $9 course, email us and we will give you a $9 coupon to apply to something that is a better fit. 

I have a different question.

Great! Message me on my personal Facebook profile and let’s chat 🧡

Hi, I'm Alison!

Business and mindset coach for multi-passionate entrepreneurs.

With a healthy mix of long-term marketing consulting experience, and woo woo mindset restoration coaching.

In the first few years of full time entrepreneurship, I ran a heck-ton of ads. But the ads game has changed, I was never consistent, and then the hurdle to succeed with ads became too steep for me to even try.

(Because let’s be real: not many of us have enough spare cash lying around to throw money at an ads problem until it works someday.)

Enter: audience borrowing.

But not just podcast guesting or chasing down backlinks: new ideas + tips to make sure you actually get the results you want. (Bundles, summits, strategic trades, email swaps, and more.)

Now, I packed everything I learned into this short and sweet rapid fire training so you too can grow your audience faster and more reliably without paid adsor years of blogging. 

Ready to Sell More Often

It can be easy.

And it can be quick — I’ll show you how.

Earnings disclaimer: All the testimonials included on our websites, programs, products and/or services are real-world examples and stories of other people’s experiences with our programs, products and/or services. But they are not intended to serve as a guarantee that you will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s performance is different and your results will vary accordingly. 

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