Ready to FINALLY Reach the Dreams You Thought Were Out Of Reach?

If you’re struggling to create your reality, it’s time to elevate your frequency for abundant living.

Have you ever felt like you’re constantly chasing after success, yet something always seems to hold you back?

You’ve done the mindset work, dove into personal development, and even bought a course or two on manifesting.

But there’s still a nagging worry in the back of your mind, especially when it comes to money. It feels like a never-ending cycle of striving for more while fearing you’ll never be enough.

For myself and many clients, the struggle with manifesting is real.

Despite their efforts to align their thoughts and energies with their goals, the fear of not having enough money looms large.

But this worry creates exactly what we don’t want: a barrier, blocking the flow of abundance and joy into their lives. 

What’s the balance between experiencing reality without gaslighting ourselves through toxic positivity, and staying “high vibe”?

I get it.

One thing I found frustrating about manifesting was my inconsistency and feeling of powerlessness. 

I could call in something small, like a pair of shoes. 

And sometimes bigger things, like big sales months or unexpected cash. 

But there were times it really mattered to have more love, more money, and more success…

…And I felt powerless. 

In fact, sometimes my circumstance got “worse”.

I’d want to improve my relationship, and get into a season of arguing with my partner. I wanted to make more money, and got into a season of over-investing and financial trouble.  

Part of what was so disempowering about it was that I thought I was following what I’d been taught to do. 

And even most coaches I had would just blame it on my mindset.

But I HAD a money mindset routine, visualized my goals, focused on my dreams, took action. 

And those things worked, but not all the time.

Why did it seem so easy for some people, while I kept getting stuck in anxiety cyclones? 

That was…

Until I discovered the Holistic Art of Attraction approach.

Which focuses less on force and controlling outcomes.

And more on holistic development, peace, coming home to myself, and allowing success to flow as I intentionally, but relaxedly, curated it.

Imagine if…

Imagine if you woke up each morning with a deep sense of peace and confidence, knowing that your financial freedom is a natural flow in your life.

Picture attracting opportunities, connections, and resources that align perfectly with your desires and goals.

What if the worries about money faded away, replaced by a profound trust in the universe’s ability to provide for you abundantly and consistently?

Picture a reality where you wake up each day feeling grateful for the abundance surrounding you, both internally and externally?

Imagine a life where you no longer feel limited by fears or doubts but instead embrace each moment with excitement and anticipation for the endless possibilities that await you?

What if you could manifest more of what you want and enjoy life to the fullest, experiencing deep fulfillment, prosperity, and harmony in every aspect of your being?

Let me know if you relate…

  • You’ve done mindset work or manifesting work and you’re still stuck in a cycle of never getting ahead
  • You feel unsupported and alone. Overwhelming pressure to “get this right” or fix things, but you’ve taken a lot of action and nothing is changing
  • You are so tired of trying, you struggle to enjoy a lot about life anymore
  • You keep seeking some hidden knowledge “they’ve” figured out, but you haven’t
Step 2: Believe in the Possibility flower scrapbook
In other words: learn how to feel and learn how to heal. butterfly

What I want for you…

  • Permanently release invisible resistance you have to receiving everything you want
  • To create the life you want more consistently
  • To create the life you want faster, if that’s aligned
  • Neutralize negative emotions and beliefs before they become negativity cyclones
  • Become aligned and come home to yourself, and learn to stop measuring your goals and reality against any desire but your own
  • Take easeful action faster and more consistently
  • Confidence that you’re on the right path
  • Ability to call in what you want, trust the process and timeline, and feel grateful

Ready to amplify your manifestation power? 

Dive into a trauma-informed journey that empowers you to release abundance blocks, self-heal, and manifest with ease. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or simply seeking more joy in life, this is your path to lasting transformation.

FAQ + A Peek Inside

Here are some of the things me and my clients have manifested using Holistic Art of Attraction:

  • Fully booked clients and waitlists
  • Growing from low 4-figures monthly to 5-figures monthly and beyond
  • Some as high as multiple 6-figures and 7-figures
  • More time with kids and more free time
  • The ability to take advantage of every situation
  • Replacing full time jobs with our own income
  • Improved romantic relationships, including reigniting one that almost ended
  • Going from 80 hour work weeks to 30
  • And so much more.

The wealthy are rich not because they do more or know more, but because they hold less resistance towards abundance.

There’s one thing I feel confident about: This program will weave a new paradigm of reality creating.

It will rewrite what you think success is, and elevate it beyond what you were able to imagine before.

We will figure out what you really want, and forge a path together.

And you will also experience restoration AND long term empowerment.

Through my approach, you’ll harness the power of the law of attraction, elevate and expand your mindset, nurture your well-being, and embrace a fulfilling life that aligns with your authentic self.

Here’s what I didn’t understand, and what I never saw pieced together…

Program Details: Content

Mindset stopped working for me in creating a new reality.

In 2019 I finally understood the power of mindset work, but I then believed that manifestation relied on a rational, deliberate thought process (rather than an instinctive, subconscious one). 

I believed it was a matter of exerting effort through actions, rather than a process that naturally unfolds through embodiment.

But mindset alone has limitations. And manifesting alone has limitations too.

Fortunately, I came to realize a more holistic approach to effortlessly manifest the things you desire, without becoming entangled in the dogma of “just think it and it will materialize.”


If that method really worked…

You probably wouldn’t be reading this right now.

And I’m not blaming any manifesting or money coaches I’ve followed, because I love them. They’ve helped me.

But it can be hard to teach things thoroughly that you’re innately good at. 

In the past two years, I’ve been piecing together the puzzle pieces that finally helped me enjoy life again. 

(And helped me enjoy my business again.)

To be brutally honest:

  • I made a ton of money, but had a hard time keeping it.
  • I lost touch with my creativity, because I thought it wasn’t “useful”. 
  • I didn’t know what the point of loving myself was.
  • I felt hopeless at the idea of parenting myself. 
  • I outsourced all of my power and decision making.
  • I felt desperate for reassurance, but couldn’t reassure myself.
  • …And more 🙂 

And now I can say:

  • I love myself. 
  • I trust myself.
  • I honor myself.
  • I value myself.

I feel those things in my heart. I am learning how to pour that into the world. I am creating a life I want, without being in a hurry. 


And I’m enjoying my life.

I think that people don’t choose entrepreneurship. It chooses you in a way. 

But so many people give up because of the money anxiety cyclone.

I want you to know: it can be wonderful, and easeful, and the cycle can ease, then stop forever.

About Your Mentor

Hi! I’m Alison. I’ve been marketing online since 2011, business coaching since 2017, and mindset coaching since 2019.

I’ve helped multi-million dollar companies double their business. I’ve helped individuals grow to multiple 6 figures, and even 7 figures. I’ve helped tons of people make money for the first time, or go from barely scraping by  to making a real living.

And with all of these successes, I’ve seen people hit invisible walls.

Walls I was navigating, and still navigate.

This program is a passion project created from a need I see not just to help us reach goals: but also to heal our lives, heal the world, and LOVE bigger and better.

As a former coach of mine said: what is a rich life if you’re only rich in part of it?


What results can I expect? I see this mentorship as a personal development program aimed at helping you learn a holistic approach to manifesting. As such, I’m including multiple modalities that I truly believe will improve the quality of your life for the short term and long term. I think this process will be the most effective if you can set goals, and release timelines. Some of my clients do crazy things like manifest $10k out of nowhere. Some of them take control of their lives. Some of them pivot. And all of them enjoy life more. 

Does manifesting really work? Manifesting always works, and it is my belief that our reality is a mirror of what we’ve been manifesting. That doesn’t mean the world is fair, it’s often not. And it doesn’t mean that all bad things that have happened were your fault. But it doesn’t mean that I believe we have free will and more control over outcomes than we feel like we have.

What if i don’t believe in manifesting? I also believe that this program will improve your quality of life whether you believe in manifesting or now, because it’s not just about manifesting.

What is the refund policy? No refunds, sorry I love you!
