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Expand your business AND Your Identity

Practical Mindset & Manifesting Tools For Entrepreneurs

$33 Monthly Membership. Cancel anytime.

September 2023 Theme:
Removing Resistance Towards Goals

Are you tired That...

Your business feels chaotic. You started this business to work less and make more, but you feel unfocused and have a hard time delegating.

You keep hitting a ceiling. You make money – but have a hard time keeping it. Or you made great money – but can never seem to reach that next income level. 

You’re stuck on an income roller coaster. You’ve had some success, and even some big success, but are still stuck on an income roller coaster.

You never feel like you’re getting ahead. You’re making more money than you’ve ever made, but you periodically manifest massive expenses or low sales, and everything feels hard.

What if you...

Could learn to relax and receive in your business, instead of stressing over sales. Learn how to master both mindset and manifesting so you can reduce your effort.

Felt calm and fully in control of your business. Learn how to work less, make more, and structure your life to create the freedom that made you start your business. 

Created more consistency and flow with your income and your life. Learn not just how to make MORE sales and income, but also the mindset shift and energetics of keeping it so you can consistently reach new income levels. 

Created AND achieved bigger goals than you ever thought possible. Set goals you never thought you would set, and reach goals you never thought you would reach. 

What people are Saying...

I joined the AEE membership because I was looking for some help with the mindset and psycho-spiritual aspects of having a successful business.

I've done lots of courses and consultations in the past, and have information up to my ears about the "how to" aspects of business. But as a female entrepreneur who also grew up with entrenched generational poverty, I knew that what I needed more than the how-to was resources that would help me shift my beliefs about what "someone like me" is capable of achieving.

I love that Alison's material is down-to-earth and helps with achievable goals rather than pie-in-the-sky promises. The membership is a just-right amount of mindset, strategy, and practical aspects, with solid tools to help you reprogram the subconscious mind to overcome blocks to wealth and success. Plus, doing work like this in a community is always more powerful!

I love all of Alison's workshops! They've helped me immediately. With the membership I get to watch and rewatch them on my own time and get helpful related content to help cement in the takeaways from each one. It's been incredibly worthwhile for me and helped me find more ease in my business and life as a whole.

I look forward to the AEE content delivery each month.

Alison brings a deep understanding of entrepreneurship and her holistic approach doesn’t just focus on marketing strategies; it delves into personal growth and mindset as well. She has a unique ability to simplify complex concepts and make them accessible to entrepreneurs at any stage of their journey.

If you're an entrepreneur looking to accelerate your business growth, gain clarity, and cultivate an abundant mindset, I wholeheartedly recommend the Abundant Entrepreneur Program by Alison Reeves.

The Abundant Entrepreneur Experience membership is one of my favorite ways to keep spiritually aligned while running my online business.

Here's What You Get in The Experience...

The Intention of this Membership: Provide Tools For Creators And Experts to SCALE More easefully By learning how to manifest in their business, rather than just work Harder.

Rather than another set of business and marketing trainings, these tools are aimed at expanding your Belief at What is Possible, And thinking more creatively about how to make money whether you are a new entrepreneur, or already at 7-figures

Weekly Deliverables Each Month, Including...

Monthly Printable Workbook

$111 Value. Take action each month with journal prompts and action items

Mindset & Marketing Workshops With Live Coaching

$222 Value. Monthly workshops that rotate between mindset and marketing

Angel Number 444 Meaning: Embracing Change & Transformation

Community & Call

$333 Value.

Monthly Audio Practices

$111 Value. Get a monthly meditation that relates to the workshop


$111 Value. Periodic Behind The scenes from my business or a colleague's


Core Course content focused on mindset, marketing and business strategy

$999 Value. Mindset, Market Research, Lead Magnet and Launch Training

My Personal Workshop Notes

$77 Value. Get my Workshop outline after the live workshop, so you Can Be Fully Present and take less notes

Join the Experience

$1,298 Value $33 Monthly

Or Pay for a year and get an epic discount

  • Monthly workbook
  • Monthly meditations or somatic exercises
  • Periodic behind the scenes business demo
  • Monthly community calls
  • Facebook community
  • Bonus: My personal workshop notes and/or outline
  • Bonus: Core Content
  • Month to month commitment, or annual prepay

Enrollment is Closed

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the membership? The membership is month to month, and you can pay monthly or pay for the year in full to get 6 months free. Both are automatically recurring (monthly and annually, respectively). The annual pay in full comes with a bonus course, the Holistic Art of Attraction.

What does this membership include? We deliver tools weekly, and also send a monthly summary of tools (since there are more than 4). A monthly workbook, two monthly exercises that deal with meditation/nervous system/healing, a monthly “behind the scenes” business video, and a community call for Q&A. It will also include the bonuses of having the monthly Workshop replay easily available, and having my personal preparation notes for the Workshop.

What is covered in the workbooks? The workbooks will often be about mindset in some way, but some of them will be more focused on business or marketing exploration. The first workbook for example is 12+ pages and focused on the 5 #WealthWounds and their antidotes, with journaling opportunities throughout. The workbooks will always focus on journaling and self discovery. Other workbooks we’ve done so far: marketing magic, inner child reconnection, money making content, embodied entrepreneurship.

How is the material delivered? All content will be emailed. Right now, we also post the content inside the community. We might move this to be delivered inside the Learn course platform.

When will the material be delivered? We email a new tool every Monday at 10am CST, and also send a monthly summary email at the end of the month.

What is a “behind the scenes”? Rather than create more course content, which most of us have a heck-ton of sitting in a folder somewhere, I want to create practical content that will inspire ideas rather than create more tasks or FOMO. Periodically, I’ll review something I did in my business or a clients’ business that I think is interesting. The first behind the scenes for example will focus on how I use Workshops for sales. I’ve also covered my personal marketing plan, how I use Ai for blog posts, and more.

What is includes in the “community”? Right now, we have a Facebook group and starting July 18th, our first monthly group call! I’m open to doing more in the future but you have to ask for it 🙂

What is the refund policy: Sorry no refunds!

What is the cancellation policy? Email hello@alisonreeves.co to cancel with at least 7 days notice before your billing date.

Earnings disclaimer: All the testimonials included on our websites, programs, products and/or services are real-world examples and stories of other people’s experiences with our programs, products and/or services. But they are not intended to serve as a guarantee that you will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s performance is different and your results will vary accordingly. Learn more.